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These Are the Days of Gratitude


November 2024

There are moments that change my life. The moment of a first kiss, seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time in 1966 and the moment last week when my radiologist said, "See you next year." Next year.

In the rapidly changing landscape of American healthcare I am so fortunate to go to the same radiology practice for twenty years. In the last few years the practice was acquired by a major medical "corporation," but the same doctors are still there and they still read the tests while you wait. I had my annual -- after going every six months for a few years -- mammogram on Tuesday and afterwards the senior physician in the practice who had given me less good news twelve years ago, said, "See you next year." Next year!

I once wrote that the two best words in the English language are benign and peace. Tonight I add that the best phrase is "see you next year."  There are a few others that also come to  mind, "Love you," and "They're home." For now I'm going with next year and I send my wishes that you hear all of these phrases throughout the rest of this year and often in 2024.

Love you, friends, now and next year and for years to come. 


acorn hollow said...

They are great words. Congratulations

Sandi said...


Mevely317 said...

Wonderfully put, Carol. I'm so happy for you!

Lynda said...

Singing praises with you this morning for that wonderful news! The old phrase, "If you've got your health, you've got everything." Of course that phrase comes after our faith because that is number one on the list for sure. Super happy for you!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Nice doctor visit for you , I hope I hear that too. I'm going on Wednesday and it's the last time I'll be seeing this doctor. I will be moving and have to find new Doctors. Hopefully they will be as good as the ones I have now! I know there will be many I will not see in the New Year, but have no fear, I will still be blogging.

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