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These Are the Days of Gratitude


I am a frequent visitor to the local post office. There always seems to be a package to mail or stamps to buy, and as it gets closer to the end of the year, I am there often. This last week I was there twice and my errand both times was to mail to Europe. On my first foray it was a long interaction, but the person helping me was so patient. I ended up not mailing the package -- the duty and fees my friend in France would have to pay was $237.00 (you read that correctly). 

Yesterday I returned to the post office, on a second attempt to mail to France. I walked up to the window and the clerk saw my duty form and literally made a face at me. I asked if I should go to a different window and she replied there was no one else. My temptation was to be snippy -- yes, Buttercup can be very snippy -- but I held my tongue and smiled. After a lot of typing, a number of What's App messages to my friend in France, and the same clerk staying through her lunch hour to finish helping me, my package was on the way to France. 

My original thought for this post was my gratitude for stamps -- love the holiday stamps -- but I realize it's not just stamps that I am grateful for. It's the miracle that stamps are part of. I can write a card, pay a bill -- not as much by check these days -- or send a package and almost all of the time they all arrive just as I hoped they would.  These little pieces of sticky paper -- remember licking stamps -- will take our fondest dreams and good wishes and send them around the world, and that, my friends, is nothing short of a miracle.    

This is my second post of gratitude and there are two more to come. But before I post them we'll celebrate Thanksgiving in America. Grateful for muffins and stamps and my warm and cozy apartment and so much more. Wishing all of Buttercupland a bright and blessed Thanksgiving. 


Terra said...

I do like the pretty stamps always on offer, I buy them online from usps. It is amazing how accurate and fast the post arrives. Also here in the USA mail is delivered to my house six days a week. In some countries my pen pals have to pick it up downtown, there is no home delivery. So I am thankful for the mail service here.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Like yourself, Carol, I am also a frequent postal service user and appreciate too that I can send a card, letter and more. I am sure that your friend will appreciate the effort you made to send her a package. Sending best wishes to you for a Happy 🦃

Lynda said...

I like the variety of stamps we can purchase, also. Like you, I like the holiday ones and some we see in the summer - - but my standby is the American Flag!
We in Blog-Land are thankful for you and the many places you take us on your travels! Hope your day of Thanksgiving is a wonderful one.

Marcia said...

A brief stop by to say Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm very thankful to all the post office workers. They do a good job and I mail a lot of cards. Good thing to be thankful for ! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, sending packages across the world and having them arrive just in time for a birthday, holiday or other special occasion is absolutely a miracle . . . . . one I've been blessed to be a part of for many years now. And I am thankful