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It's the Lull Before the Storm


And I'm not thinking about the busyness of the holiday season. I think that rush has already begun. I'm thinking about the holiday spending season, which is about to descend like a giant wave. Long time friends of Buttercupland know that January is traditionally No-Spending January. It follows Over-Spending December and it's a month where I don't buy any things. I can buy groceries and cleaning supplies, but not the flannel shirt that's on sale, or an extra pair of socks just "because they're cute." It's been a good way to get spending awareness back into my life after the excesses of December.

I was thinking about expenses for the next month and they loomed a little larger than I had anticipated. Nothing drastic, but a little here and a little there and soon, I'm looking at real spending. As a result, in complete innovation I'm calling December, Less-Spending December. It won't be a No-Spending month, but it won't be an Over-Spending month either. I'll buy the gifty things I'm looking for -- actually mostly bought -- and eat out with friends, but I'm cutting down on snacks and coffee out. I realized that I especially enjoy drinking coffee outside. On many nice days I get a cup of coffee, especially iced coffee in the summer, and enjoy people watching and sipping coffee. 

Generally the price of a cup of coffee at a coffee cart is $1.50 and at a one of my favorite coffee shops, at least two dollars for hot coffee and closer to $5.00 for iced coffee. Yes, that's a lot of money. 

In an effort to change this pattern, I got the jump on Less-Spending December this afternoon. I made coffee at home, at perhaps a cost of forty cents. I added creamer and used my favorite Dartmouth '72 cup that was part of our  50th reunion goodies. I made my way to Dante Park, across from Lincoln Center and drank coffee and people watched to my heart's content. Savings of three dollars, and no loss of enjoyment. 

I know some may say that a savings of three dollars isn't worth it. But I know it is. If it becomes a habit of even once a week, that's $150. saved over the course of a year. It's also a habit of awareness of random spending.  As I've done for No-Spending January I'm going to be tracking my savings and will include them in a post each week. Anyone else want to join me in the celebration of Less-Spending December? You may choose any Less-Spending idea that works for you. The more the merrier! 

I had a great Thanksgiving weekend, enjoying lots of time spent with friends. I began my annual routine of seeing the holiday decorations and there are great ones this year. I'll begin posting later this week once I get my pictures edited. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take care. 


Jeanie said...

That makes a ton of sense. My December will be very expensive -- new insulation and other energy-saving measures at the house for a price tag over $4,000. I'd like to think it will save me money over time. But I have a feeling it will be a LONG time. So, trying to cut back on other things. Not easy in the month of giving, especially since I don't do much (like coffee out or even eating out that often). But we'll see....

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sounds like a good plan, but I will be spending more than usual this year. I iusually would make the gifts I give, but this year, I didn't get anything done. So I will spending money on gifts for my family and friends. Come January I'll be in the poor house for sure.

Marcia said...

Most of my holiday spending has happened already in November. Just about all gifts purchased and some even wrapped already. I guess that means that December will be a low spending month.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Just a little here and a little there adds up so quickly.