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These Are the Days of Gratitude


My favorite holiday, Thanksgiving,  is this week. With all that's going on in the world it's easy for me to lose track of all that I have to be grateful for, and that, my friends, is not what Buttercupland is all about. The posts -- and there will be posts -- for this next week are things/people/events for which I am grateful. 

In no particular order, our first post is about muffins. There will be more serious posts to come, but I'm starting with one of my all-time favorite treats, the muffin. A muffin is not a fancy treat. They're made from a denser flour vs. the cake flour of the cupcake and generally, but not always, are less sweet. They're closer to quick breads, while a cupcake is just that, a cake made in a cup. 

I encountered these muffin beauties last week and in an overwhelming burst of restraint opted for a bagel and a cup of coffee. The bagel was delicious, but I am still dreaming of this pumpkin and cranberry muffin. They're all the way across town and it's unlikely that I will make it there this week, so they will remain in my dreams. We will be having home-baked pumpkin bread on Thanksgiving and that's close to a muffin, or as close as I will get for now.

My choice is the pumpkin cranberry, but I wouldn't turn down the banana chocolate chip or the blueberry crumb either. Even the plain corn muffin in the very back of the display would be a welcome treat, perhaps with a little strawberry jam. 

Muffin fans, which one would be your choice? If you're not keen on muffins, what breakfast treat is your favorite?

My first post of gratitude. I am grateful that with flour, baking powder, salt, an egg or two, butter, any fruit that I happen to have on hand  and a working oven, a muffin is the result. Of course, having been without a working oven for sixteen months, a working oven is no small thing. But that's a post for a different day.   

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I make blueberry muffins with almond flour and they are so good...and healthy too. Happy Thanksgiving my friend! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Muffina are very good. I think I'll try your choice of a corn muffin with strawberry jam. That sounds delicious. I use a no sugar jam and it is just as good as the regular ones. I can't have anything that is too sweet anymore. I'm trying hard to stick to a no salt, no sugar diet. There is no end of things to be Thankful for every day! Happy Thanksgiving to you !

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, I'm wanting to do a deep dive into this photograph! Blueberry Crumb for me, please ... with a side of Banana Chocolate Chip.
Wishing you a most wonderful Thanksgiving! (That's my favorite, as well.)

Traveling Suitcase said...

Sorry to hear you don't have an oven. I use mine almost daily, so that would be hard. Hope you get one soon. I'm not big on muffins; but the pumpkin would probably be my pick. My favorite breakfast pastry would be a cherry tart. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Little Wandering Wren said...

I am grateful that we got to meet in New York this summer, next time we'll have to take a walk to the muffin shop!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend!
Wren x

Deb J. in Utah said...

The muffins look delicious. Yes, we all have much to be grateful for even with the trials of life and bad stuff going on in the world. I am grateful for you and Buttercup land and I am grateful that I found your blog. You are always so upbeat and positive. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. See you again soon!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Muffins are in my head now, Carol, and so is baking a loaf of pumpkin bread with dried cranberries. Sometimes, being grateful for the simple joys in life is a great thing. Not having an oven for so long would be hard for me, but then thise smaller countertop models have gotten quite sophisticated with so many features.