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Wedding Wednesday Goes to Kansas City

Here comes the bride 

I'm happy to host a return to one of my favorite features, Wedding Wednesday (WW). I can't even remember the last time I hosted a Wedding Wednesday, but it's always a treat to find a wedding party being photographed. I've found photographs for Wedding Wednesday in Richmond, VA, Philadelphia and New York City. Now I'm happy to add Kansas City. 

I was waiting for the downtown street car in Kansas City when I came across this fabulous scene and couldn't resist taking pictures. I'd already taken photographs of the beautiful and iconic Union Station, the train station of Kansas City completed in October 1914. It's a magnificent building and one I'm delighted to share with you. 

The magnificent waiting area at Union Station

On a different note, I want to be very clear that Buttercupland is not leaving Blogville. A few friends have expressed concern that I'm ending the blog and that is far from the reality. I don't believe that the days of blogging are any more numbered than other forms of communication. Neither I, nor anyone else, can foresee what the future of online writing looks like, but as long as I enjoy writing and taking photographs the (mythical) flag of the  Kingdom of Buttercupland will proudly wave. Instead of ending Buttercupland I'm planning to blog more often and visit friends' blogs more frequently. It's time for more blogging, rather than less. 

I started blogging in the winter of 2009 and it wasn't a bright winter. My hope was that blogging would be a bright light in an otherwise dark landscape and it has been, much to my somewhat pessimistic expectation.  In a world that can use all the light and optimism it can get I want to keep Buttercupland an upbeat and hopeful gathering place for friends. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


Kate said...

I don’t think I have ever taken a trip without seeing a bride or two. The one in St. Petersburg comes to mind. It was June but we had a light snow that day and she was wearing a l white fur jacket. Very Dr. zhivago.

Marcia said...

We saw a wedding party when we were in Spain. The next day the walkways were covered with little paper butterflies. Alas no photos taken.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That is a beautiful wedding, what a nice venue two have it in. I don't think I;vw ever seen such a long veil. Like you, I like blogging and hope to web around for a long time yet, The only thing that would stop me is trouble with my computer. It''s getting older just like me. So far so good. Thanks again for sharing pictures of such a happy day. I love weddings !

Anonymous said...

Love this photo, Carol. Thank you

Theresa said...

Beautiful pictures. I love weddings! I still post and I also started my blog in 2009. My blog just isn't an every day thing like it used to be. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Traveling Suitcase said...

We've seen a bride or two in our travels, but I usually don't take pictures. Somehow it seems like a private thing...not sure I think that, clearly they're in a public space. The taking photo's of downtown areas has become a thing for brides, old factories and so forth. Weddings have become sooooooooo big, so expensive. I'm old, been married over 50 years, things are just different.

Lowcarb team member said...

Always nice to see a wedding.

All the best Jan