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(Almost) Halloween, the Candy Edition


Candy Corn: Yes or No?

For the next several posts we're going to focus on several critical issues concerning Halloween candy. The first is one that I believe may be the most contentious. Are you a fan of candy corn? Yes or No? Some? Just a few little pieces? I'm in the just a few little pieces and if I don't get any I will be quite content group. 

Earlier in the week I did a quick and very unscientific survey in a group of which I belong to and the answers were surprising. I was definitely in the minority. The answers were about equal between "No, no, and no," and "Definitely and with peanuts." I was totally unaware that candy corn eaten with peanuts was a thing, but my friend assured me it was like eating a Payday bar, of which I am a fan. This led me to reconsider candy corn, but not enough to buy a bag before Halloween. I may succumb sometime in November if I see a 75% discount, but I hope that common sense has me keep walking past the discount candy. 

During my pumpkin fest in New Jersey I came across "gourmet" candy corn and I was definitely tempted. But that leads to another philosophical question. If the flavor is changed to Caramel Apple or S'Mores Candy Corn, is it still candy corn? Or is it a different candy in the shape of candy corn?

Is  this really still "candy corn?"

I know I promised that Buttercupland was going to stay upbeat and fun, but it's rough, friends. While I've been putting this post together I've also been following the tragedy in Maine. I feel almost guilty writing about candy and Halloween, but I hope that when you read this post you will get a smile (or two) on an otherwise very sad day. 

As ever, thanks for visiting. Stay safe and lots of love. Friends in Maine, my heart and prayers are with you.  


Lauren said...

Wow, those look so fun. Unfortunately candy corn isn’t available here in Scotland.

acorn hollow said...

I am not a big candy person and when it comes to popcorn cheese is about as fancy as I go it usually butter and salt.
While I live in NH maine is my home state my heart is broken.

Marcia said...

Reading blogs first this morning and hadn't seen the news at all so your mention of Maine made me pull up CNN to see what happened. Why are we a nation of guns and death? When will that change? My heart aches for those who lost loved ones to such senselessness.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm smiling and I eat candy corn with peanuts all the time. It's a good mix! So sad to hear of yet another mass shooting. My prayers go up for all those effected in Maine.

Lynda said...

I liked candy corn a lot as a kid but not now. I used to love the chocolate flavor they had at some point. Our neighbor told my husband about eating it with the peanuts. She gave him a bag because he seemed interested. He liked it.
In this crazy world, we are still allowed fun and to live life in a way trusting our Heavenly Father. Don't let Satan steal our happiness.
The shooting with the man in Maine is horrific and scary. In addition to his mental illness issues, we also have a country that is not prosecuting crime like it used to so many people are not afraid of repercussions.
I see it in something as "simple" as people running red lights - - every day! Usually it is just one car but yesterday there were three at the same time at one of the lights! Too many are self-centered and impatient. That doesn't necessarily apply to the shooter but does apply to many crimes - - - the attitude of "I can do what I want when I want."

Deb J. in Utah said...

I would be willing to try a different flavor of candy corn, because I really dislike the original. Supposedly candy corn is the most popular Halloween candy in the state where I live (Utah). If that is true, I have no idea what people are thinking.

The news from Maine is horrible. No corner of this country is exempt and safe any more. So tragic and scary for all of us.

Valerie said...

I love candy corn with peanuts, but for me, candy corn can definitely fall into the "too much of a good thing" category. It's just soooo sweet.

Love the KC Union Station post. My kids loved going there at Christmastime when they were little...especially to see the Polar Express.
