When it turns chilly, it's time for cozy fleece pillows
It went from summer to chilly -- actually more than chilly -- in New York City. I noted snow in Chicago, Michigan and Upstate New York. It's definitely time for cozy. I've been told there's no bad weather -- I take issue with that -- just bad clothing, on days when a down coat and boots are called for, so is hot cocoa and a fleece pillow for cozying up.
When red and green is seen in the stores, and I saw lots of it today, it's time for the Buttercupland Fair to begin. The Buttercupland Fair is a feature from time past. It began in 2013 and from my research it appears that the last time I posted it was in 2017. Buttercupland Fair posts promote books and products made by friends. I've featured cards, candles, books and jewelry and I'm looking to do the same this year. There are some very talented friends in the Buttercupland family and as you begin looking for holiday gifts, I'd like to provide some non-big box and Amazon options.
Just in time for this cold snap I'm featuring Fleece Pillows by Jill. Jill is an Instagram buddy who makes no-sew fleece pillows and throws in just the cutest prints. I have a set of pillows and have also given a set for gifts and I am a very satisfied customer. They're so soft and so useful and the prints are so cute I'm thinking of buying another set.
I will be doing Buttercupland Fair posts throughout November and early December. If you are a crafter/writer/creator and you would like to be featured, please send me a message. I have several posts in mind, but happy to do others.
I'm off for a little adventure tomorrow. I'm not going far, but I'm excited to explore an area I love and don't visit enough. No fear, there will be pictures and posts.
As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.
Please note: I have received no compensation for my endorsement of Fleece Pillows by Jill. I'm just a happy customer.
How cute! I need some new pillows and throws for the cooler weather. Enjoy your day!
It is definitely time to stay in and be cozy. The cold winds that have been blowing here make it seem colder than if really is. It's call wind chill and it is really chilly outside. I cuddle us with a warm throw and drink a lot of hot chocolate to. I eat soups and stews that are hot. I think I'm like a bear, I hibernate and stay at home most of the winter, It's very warm and cozy here.
This is my favorite time of year and those fleece pillows really look comfy, Carol. And, it very nice that you will be featuring homemade items in future blog posts.
I love the idea of cozy fleece pillows.
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