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It's Time to Stop and Smell the Tulips


I know there are any number of people who will inform me that tulips have no aroma and I do know that. But this post isn't about any particular flower, but rather it's time to stop and appreciate any season and every season in which we find ourselves.

Maybe it's tax time...

Maybe it's getting ready for a two week plus trip...

Maybe it's a month after surgery...

Maybe it's just wanting to make up for lost time after the last few years...

...And maybe it's a combination of all of the above. But it's time to slow, slow down. 

When I first retired almost ten years ago I had a few loose rules. The first was no meetings and the second was one major a trip a year. That was my rule before the pandemic and I stuck to it pretty well. Then March 2020 came along and everything turned upside down. 

Somewhere there's a balance between overscheduled and running around and the long lonely days of the pandemic, and my goal is to find that balance. For the last few days I've stopped looking at my phone as much, thought about what things I'd really like to do and places I really want to go. I remembered my retirement mantra, "I can do anything, but I can't do everything," and I realized that I've been trying to do everything. Yes, time is fleeting, but trying to do everything possible won't make time slow down. Some of the best times of 2022 were the some of the simplest -- the autumn leaves, bookstore visits, moments at the shore and iced coffee in a dozen places -- at least -- with favorite people.    

Here's to spring flowers, autumn forests, bookstores and more iced coffee with favorite people and time to stop and smell the tulips. 

I'll be back in the next few days with this week's Pink Saturday post and it's a fun one. I promise. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take care. 


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Carol. I love this post and I love your retirement mantra. I can do anything, but I can't do everything. So true. I'm going to remember that. Beautiful tulips. Spring is a glorious season. Have a good weekend!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Spring is a wonderful season and my favorite thing is seeing all the flowers blooming. Those tulips are beautiful! I'm glad we are finally stepping away from gray days and welcoming color back into our lives.

Jeanie said...

I love this post and these thoughts. And I especially love your mantra. When one is forced to slow down, suddenly things come to light that we might other times pass by. I like your goals and I hope your trip is a good one!

Sandi said...

"I can do anything, but I can't do everything,"


A Bit of the Blarney said...

Oh my!! What exquisite color you tulips have!! Amazing! Thank you and have a grand weekend! Cathy

NanaDiana said...

Oh! I can't wait to see some plants bloom here. I think we 'smell' tulips by their color and they raise our senses to spring heights...although I know they aren't scented. lol. We have snow coming in the next couple of days---sigh....xo Diana