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On the Twentieth Day of December

One of the sights from walking in the neighborhood

It's the twentieth day of December and I'm pleased to announce that last Wednesday, December 14, not quite a week ago, the "mileometer" turned past 1,000. Yes, I've completed 1,000 miles for 2022. As of this morning I've walked 1,017.7 miles and will probably walk 20 more (or so) miles for the year. I'll do a post in the beginning of 2023 with my final count for the year. 

For new visitors to the Journey of 1000 Miles, I'd like to give a little back story to my yearly challenge. 

People who are able to walk don't think very much about being able to walk, until walking becomes something that we have to think about. I was no exception. In March of 2012 I was hiking in Arizona and in April of 2012 my right leg was dragging behind me. In May of 2012 I had the diagnosis of a spinal cord tumor and in June of 2012 I had surgery to remove it. The tumor sat inside the spine on top of the spinal cord. The great majority of spinal cord tumors in adults aren't malignant, but they can be devastating. 

My surgery went very well, but I wanted to get back to where I had been in March. Actually that hasn't happened. As a result of the tumor I have neuropathy and balance issues. A week  after the surgery  I walked a block, then several blocks and after about a year I could walk about a mile a day. I've seen a number of medical professionals and one of the neurosurgeons I consulted with told me that the best way to get my function back and as importantly, keep the ability I had, was to walk as much as I could. Walking (and a lot of physical therapy) would be my path back.   

At the end of 2016 my Weight Watchers leader at that time suggested we choose a "Challenge" for 2017 and I made up "The Journey of 1000 Miles." My challenge was to walk 1000 miles in 2017. It was doable, but was it doable for someone who barely walked two miles a day, not the almost three miles this challenge needed?  

It was more than doable. I didn't think I needed a purpose or a structure, but walking  became a daily part of my life. I plan my walking, I get lots of exercise and it was a lifesaver during 2020 and 2021 when activities became so limited.    

I've thought of not continuing The Journey in 2023, but that's not going to happen. I've even got the idea for a walking vacation that's just a fantasy now, but I'm letting it simmer and see where the idea takes me.  I've also got a few other ideas about how more people could join the Journey of 1,000 Miles (or 500 miles or 100 miles) for 2023. But more about that in another post. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cozy.


Linda said...

You are amazing!!! I so admire you!

GrammaH said...

I've been following your walking journey for a few years now, but never knew the "back story." Thank you for sharing. Onward and upward for 2023! 💕

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Congrats on the 1000 steps. What a huge accomplishment. Yes, if you want to keep walking, you must do some everyday. When you don't do it anymore, you lose it. Walking is so good for us. Take care with the bad weather coming our way, We have a winter storm just in time for Christmas coming our way! Hopefully you won't need snow shoes.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm so proud of you! That's quite an accomplishment and makes you feel SO good! We've hiked 159 hikes this year and I'll probably add another today. I need to check my miles! Enjoy your holiday week!

Tristan Robin said...

I'm gobsmacked by your 1000 mile journey challenge - and that you were successful! Now that I'm forced to be in a wheelchair whenever I leave the house, I'm very aware of that taking-no-notice of the privilege of walking until you don't have it! Good on you for sticking with it.

Thanks so much for stopping by Enchanted Revelries on my first day back in a year! It's going to take some time for me to be back at the regularity of posting that I used to have - but if you can walk 3 miles a day, I can write a few paragraphs, right?!

Here's hoping you have a lovely holiday weekend and that it will include family, friends, and some terrific food!

Marcia said...

I never knew the backstory to your 1000 mile challenge. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your story! How inspiring to me with my Parsonage Turner Syndrome which affects my balance. I’m going to try and have a goal of walking more in 23! Well done 💕🙏🏻