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On the Twenty Third Day of December


It's Christmas Eve Eve 

It's Christmas Eve Eve and in most of the U.S. the wind is blowing and it's cold. The temperature in New York dropped from fifty when I ran my errands in the late morning to 12, yes, twelve degrees now and we're not even considering wind chill. But I'm blessed to be inside and cozy, and I hope all of Buttercupland is, too. 

I'd love to say I  baked the beautiful cookies pictured above, but they were a gift from my friend, Lucy, a great baker and cook. I like to bake but I have the tiniest kitchen and big baking  projects -- trays of cookies cooling for example -- would be chaos. I am so fortunate that I have friends who bake and share. This box of cookies included a great gingersnap -- my favorite cookie -- and a yummy chocolate peppermint. The peppermint is a new addition to the holiday baking and I'm hoping it takes a permanent place in the holiday rotation. 

I'm sure there are some outstanding bakers in Buttercupland and I'm hoping you'll share your favorite cookies or other holiday treats you make. If you're not doing the baking what's your favorite eating treat in this yummy season? 

For Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we will be visiting one of my favorite places, the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, N.C. in all it's Christmas decoration glory. We visited the gift shops last month, but now we'll be seeing the beautiful decorations inside the house.

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep cozy!


Chatty Crone said...

It is bitter cold here.
Hope you are warm!
Love, sandie

Jeanie said...

Are those ginger cookies? My favorites? Oh, what a wonderful friend!