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On the Twelfth Day of December


Please watch today's Tamron Hall show, 10:00 am in New York City

Last May -- in the picture above -- I was in the studio audience for the Tamron Hall Show. The audience was asked to stay for extra filming and we were told that it would be "worth it." At the end of our session the balloons and confetti fell and we were told that we would be able to be part of a holiday giveaway show in December. That show will be aired today, December 12.   

Last week our group from May reunited and the show was taped. It will be aired today and I am sitting in the first row on the right wearing a burgundy lace blouse. We were told to "dress festive," and that was my pick. We didn't get cars or a trip to Paris -- my fantasy -- but there were amazing goodies and it was tremendous fun.  

I'll be back later today with photos of our exciting taping day. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and have a great day. See you later!


NanaDiana said...

What fun!!!! I will try to catch the show today. I love stuff like that! xo Diana

Mevely317 said...

How exciting! I'm not familiar with that show, but look forward to seeing pictures from the taping.
'Still trying to wrap my mind about the show not airing for 6 long months!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I too will watch the show today, It's on in the afternoon here. How exciting to be on TV. I will be looking for you!

LC said...

What a wonderful holiday experience!