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On the Seventh Day of December


I went to the West Village

The West Village is the area below Fourteenth Street near the Hudson River. It's a quiet, mostly low-rise neighborhood. There are still cobblestone streets and single family brownstones. There are small parks and lots of greenery for being in the middle of a major city. I love walking there. 

Instead of the bright lights and bright decorations I've been posting I found simple wreaths, greenery and the decorations in the park. It was simple, not crowded and the aroma of greenery was everywhere. I was reminded of the Shaker song, 'Tis a  gift to be simple."

One of my favorite New York City trees this season 

If I closed my eyes for a minute I imagined I was in Nineteenth Century New York

Greenery and the beautiful aroma throughout the park

Big, big day tomorrow! I can say no more now, but it involves dressing up and anticipation for the past six months. I'm optimistic that I can take photographs and though, I may not be able to post tomorrow, I will post when I'm able to. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


Anonymous said...

Love the pics!

Linda said...

I love seeing your New York.....such pretty photos and I can also imagine 19th century.....
Whatever you're doing tomorrow - I hope you have a BALL!!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

New York City must be beautiful at Christmas.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Carol. I love see Christmas in New York through your eyes. Have fun at your elegant event. See you again soon!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love the simplicity of the West Village. And you have got me very interested in tomorrow;s happenings ! I can't even imagine what it might be.

Marcia said...

Great decorations. Love the wreaths. What are you up to today?

Lynda said...

I LOVE that song! Decades ago when I knew how to read music but did not know how to play a piano, I would pick it out with one finger on my Grandmother's piano.
So thankful you are celebrating for us on the blog every day of this month!!!

Jeanie said...

It's fun seeing NYC through your eyes. I love these wreaths. They are very simple, very beautiful and it's a wonderful look.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

NYC may be daunting to many who have not been there and only read or near about the bad things that happen, as they do in many major cities, but it is also magical in many other ways. Thanks, Carol, for showing some of those.