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You Will Be a Blessing: Remembering my dear Joni


Joni 1950-2022

As far as I know I only have one friend who was born on Halloween, my dear friend, Joni. And tomorrow would have been her 72nd birthday. 

We met in high school and my first memories were being in French class together. We had come from different elementary schools and entered our big urban high school with a different set of friends. But by our senior year we were BFFs, and though the term didn't exist then, it fit our friendship perfectly. We shared American History class, laughter, lunch hours and evenings with friends and Joni's family. Her family became my second family and I still think of her aunts as Aunt Funny and Aunt Gloria. 

I got the sad news this morning for which we are never prepared. One of my dearest BFFs --my soul sister -- has passed away. To be one of Joni's loved ones was to have the biggest cheerleader ever. Joni believed her circle was the funniest, smartest and most wonderful  people. When we were with her, we were, because she had the complete confidence in us and let us know without reservation.  

Our 50th high school reunion  (2018) and Joni is in the center of our group

One of my favorite memories ever is my high school 50th reunion. I've been blessed to keep in touch with many of my classmates and the reunion brought me back in touch with a number of others. Joni and I had plans moving forward before the pandemic came on and sadly the cruise, the get-togethers and theater trips we spoke about will remain only as plans. 

At my Dartmouth 50th reunion, our memorial service included the beautiful song, L'ChiLach, by Debbie Friedman. The song refers to Genesis 12:1 where G'd says to Abraham "Go forth to a land that I will show you." The end to the verses is "You will be a blessing," and it's our farewell to those we love who go on to a land that G'd has shown them.  Our dear Joni, you will be a blessing, now and always. 

As ever, my love and thanks for visiting. Take care, my friends and hug your loved ones. 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute To a beautiful friend, Carol. Joni will be sorely missed in this life.

Deb J. in Utah said...

So sorry for the loss of your friend. She sounds like a wonderful person and a good friend.

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely tribute to an angel that lived among us. ❤️

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is remarkable when friendships like this can be sustained through a lifetime. My wife is similarly fortunate and regularly gets together with three friends from high school. Joni was an exceptional person and brought much to your life. Think of her often and may her memory be a blessing.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute. And a reminder that life is short.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sorry for your loss, but you have some wonderful memories to hold close in your heart which where we keep those we love. Close to us always .Hope you do have a Happy Halloween and treasure the good memories.

Beverly Morris said...

Hi my friend. I don't usually comment on your blog but I so appreciated your loving tribute to your friend. Sending positive thoughts to you this morning

Lynda said...

What a huge blessing in your life to have kept up with friends from high school and to have one so very special. 72 is young to leave this earth. So sorry for the void that will be left in your heart due to her loss in your life. Very thankful for the many, many years of wonderful memories together!

Mevely317 said...

I'm so very sorry, Carol. What a shock! Earlier this year, a school chum/friend collapsed and died on her kitchen floor -- having had no prior health challenges. Stunned, we were left to recognize our own mortality.

I love the phrase I've seen you say, "May her memory be a blessing."

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Sorry for your loss. Both my very best friends died 7 and 8 years ago. I miss them.

Theresa said...

I am SO sorry for the loss of your friend. Isn’t it wonderful to have that kind of friendship. I also have that with my friend Celene. You will meet again one day and what a happy reunion that will be. Sending Hugs and prayers your way🙏🏼

Deanna Rabe said...

I’m so sorry, Carol. What a gift of a friend she was! It’s a good reminder to be that kind of friend.

I love the blessing too.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sorry to read about the passing of your friend, Carol. You have posted a lovely remembrance and thank you for sharing your memories with us. Joni was indeed a good friend and its wonderful that yours was such long lasting as well.

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences to you…I know the feelings of a loss like yours. Keep your memories close and enjoy every little thing…you just never know …
xo, V.