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Pink Saturday Goes to Fashion Week: Buttercupland Style


The necklace is pretty, but the flowers were what caught my attention. 

This Pink Saturday we're going to Fashion Week via (window) shopping on some of the fanciest blocks in New York City. Window shopping is one of my favorite pastimes, especially when I can take pictures for Buttercupland. I took these on Wednesday, when it was still September, so I could have purchased anything that took captivated me. But the items we're going to see don't suit my budget -- Chanel, Vuitton and Bergdorf Goodman's were my "shopping" sites -- nor my lifestyle. I'm more likely to be found in L.L. Bean or Land's End than Vuitton, much more likely. 

Lovely, but not subway wear, and my style is more subway suited

One of the things the years have taught me is that I like the idea of jewelry more than I like wearing much jewelry. I wear the same earrings every day, a ring, my FitBit and a necklace. From time to time I add one of the bracelets I've been given and do wear pins on sweaters and jackets. I love to look at jewelry, but don't need much more than I already have. 

This piece seemed best suited for a museum. This is an Indian jeweler with fabulous pieces, and definitely more elaborate than my life calls for.  

Waders and accompanying outfits from Chanel

The pink outfits attracted my attention. I do have a pink sweater and chinos and with a few pins I could make this my look, sort of. My sweater and pants are from Gap, and though a few years old, are still in style. I'll have to add the waders to get the full look. 

I hope you've enjoyed our visit to Fashion Week and our window shopping. I'm two days into No (New) Clothes and no temptations yet. 

I got lots of at home chores done today, though I skipped cleaning out the freezer, which I definitely need to attend to. I did get out for a walk and it was cold and chilly. I was sorry I left my gloves home. I know it will get warmer, but today was a foretaste of the late autumn to come. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for a good week.    


Deb J. in Utah said...

Those waders would come in handy down in Florida just now. So tragic the terrible tole that Hurricane Ian had. Prayers for all affected. Have a good week. See you again soon!

Lynda said...

I love your pictures. You always find interesting stuff for us to view.
The waders seem too tight to be able to walk. That is probably so they will stay up and not fold over? Guess I'm crazy or uninformed but waders as fashion rather than being looser and with suspenders seem more functional. The ones pictures could cause a person to fall and get injured badly since it appears the knee could not bend if a person lost her balance. However the clothes on the top half of the mannequins are super cute!

Terra said...

I always like your photos and what you find to share with us. The fashions and jewelry don't appeal to me, like you, I am more an LL Bean or Jess and Jane kind of girl.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

My wife tends to wear less jewelry rather than more. She always claims, and I am quite sure she is right, that once nice piece is eye-catching, more is a distraction. Most oh what she has never sees the light of day any more.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my those boots are something else ! I don't have any higher than mid calf myself. They are about all I could handle. I wore more jewelry when I worked, but now it's been weeks since I've put on earrings and I gave up wearing a watch when I retired. Hope we do get more warmer days, it's already too cold for me. I just stay in and keep warm. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

Marcia said...

If anyone copied that mannequin's outfit and went wading they'd be in for a surprise if they stepped in a hole or lost their balance. Not an outfit for wading!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Waders did seem out of place on those outfits as others have noted, but then your excursion was just window shopping, so no cost. As for jewelry, I have many pieces that wee sometimes worn years ago when dressing up for an occasion was more in style. Today, my preference is for less, other than a watch, ring and occasionally earrings.

Angie said...

I love this post! And it brought me back to Christmas 2019. On our way back to the US, we had an overnight stay in Zurich, and the window shopping was the best experience EVER! Like you, I love a good window shopping! :)

Sandy said...

Had to laugh at how ridiculous those boots are as a fashion? Statement. My statement would be say NO! First of all rubber is hot and uncomfortable and very bad for your feet with them getting sweaty, 2ndly as someone above pointed out you would not be able to walk in them. If it's cold enough you need a jacket, I don't think you're going to be wearing torn shorts. I think putting weird things on display to try and get people to buy into that as a style is rather sad. Like you, I'm a LandsEnd type of shopper, and or Kohl's. I like bracelets, and have a good number that were purchased as memento's of travels, but then once I started wearing my fitbit, I found I rarely wear my bracelets.

Sandy said...

Swinging back through from my other blog. A River Runs Through it, the movie and book came to mind this morning when I saw the wadders again, lol.

Lowcarb team member said...

Window shopping can be fun - I enjoyed your photographs.

All the best Jan