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P Is for Pizza (Collective)


This was my pizza choice for this week

If I had done the A to Z Blogging Challenge as specified this post would be "Z," and I would be writing about a bagel shop that I'd found, Zucker's. But this year I went wildly off-track and only shared about half of the New York City food treats that I had photographed. Some of them may appear in posts later this year and others will unlikely make it to posts. Starting next month I've got summer travels planned in New England -- every state except Rhode Island is scheduled -- so there will be more food posts from some of my favorite places. 

I'm going to complete our A to Z adventures with one of the two foods that I believe are the most iconic of New York City. The first food, which I've written about previously is the bagel and the second is pizza. The bagel's origins go back to Poland and pizza is a gift of Italy. But both have flourished in New York City and it's a rare few-block stretch where you can't find both bagels and pizza. 

I'm a fan of both foods, but limit myself to a slice of pizza and one bagel a week, though, of course, not at the same meal. My usual pizza choice is spinach or broccoli pizza, but when I saw the Brooklyna, posted above, with broccoli rabe, I went for it. Though the name for this vegetable contains the word broccoli, it's closer to mustard greens and has a slightly bitter taste. I'm a fan of it and it's rarely readily available, especially not topping pizza. But I was passing my neighborhood favorite, Pizza Collective, and knew that this would be a tasty piece of pizza.   

My view looking out to Broadway

It's a difficult pizza choice at Pizza Collective

Are there other pizza fans in Buttercupland? What are your favorite varieties?

January and February went slowly for me, but the pace picked up in March and sped along this month. I expect that May will go by in a blur. I'm looking forward to my 50th college reunion later in May and the opportunity to see friends I haven't seen since college days. One of the pleasures is working on a committee with a friend that lived two doors down the hall freshman year. So grateful that we are able to still be in touch and create new memories. Thanks, Pam! 

Please stop by tomorrow. I'll be sharing my favorites from our local tulip festival at the community garden and a meeting with a blog friend. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and have a sweet Sunday.


Linda said...

YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM on this post, grin. I hope you have a beautiful trip. Say hi to Pepe for me, grin.

It's me said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm…….happy week love Ria and Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀

Theresa said...

I do love pizza and I would have a hard time picking one of these delicious pizzas:) I love pepperoni pizza! Enjoy your day and I can't wait to tag along on your trip thru your blog. HUGS!

lissa said...

I have not tried spinach or broccoli on pizzas and I'm thinking that's never going to happen. I guess I'm too used to just plain pizza to have any kind of vegetable or meat toppings. I do occasionally like buffalo chickens on my pizza but I'm not daring enough to try other type of topping.

As for bagels, not really a fan unless it has cream cheese or cream cheese with jam on top.

Have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

The Brooklyna looks/sounds amazing. Pizza is officially my favorite food. I especially love what my local pizzeria calls a Meat Eater and I affectionately call The Man Easter (Que Hall and Oats). Chicken/Spinach/Tomato is another favorite on a white pizza. Bagels are not just for breakfast at my house. Sadly, not any local provider will do. So my brother brings me variety of bagels from a place in the Bronx and I pre-slice and freeze them for melancholy rainy days.

Have a great trip this summer.