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Happy National Dog Day

Celebrated National Dog Day a day early with my buddy, Zak

I saw via my blog labels that we've celebrated National Bagel Day and National Cat Day, but surprisingly I didn't see a tag for National Dog Day. Today, in the waning hours of the day specifically set aside to celebrate the pups in our lives, we're having a salute to dogs. 

I'd planned to do a post yesterday for the anniversary of the National Park Service, but a twinge in my back kept me from the computer. It was just a twinge, but it was enough to keep me from much time at the keyboard. It's better, but still twinging and the National Park post will take just a little too much time to do. I will try and post it, and the photos of Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico, before the end of the month.

I spent yesterday afternoon with sweet Zak and his new baby brother, Samson. I'd hoped to get some photos of Samson, but he didn't stay still long enough. He is a cutie and I'm planning to photograph him soon. It's difficult to take pictures if the subject is nipping at your toes. 

During my visit to Maine this summer I spent time with two of my favorite doggy friends, Sam and Elvis. I can't let National Dog Day go by without a shout out to both of my buddies and the humans they live with. 

Elvis enjoying his favorite spot on the couch

Sam, in a moment of repose

Thanks, Pene, Debby and Betsy for sharing time with your  precious pups. 

I'm not planning to do a post for a special day every day, but I did notice that National Beach Day is scheduled for August 30, and that would definitely make a fun post. Yay or nay for a Buttercupland celebration of favorite beaches? I'm thinking it's a yay.

As ever, thanks for visiting and give your favorite pup a hug!


DeniseinVA said...

Sweet pups! They certainly deserve their own national holiday��

DeniseinVA said...

Definitely yay on the beaches.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Of course a big Yay for beach day! Very cute dogs, I did not know there was a dog day, except of course for the dog days of summer! Your header is so cute!

Jeanie said...

Oh Carol, too darling for words! I love them all!

Anonymous said...

Bondi Beach? Nice in France? K

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

The dogs were all cute and look like they enjoyed 'Dog Day'.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

We are so blessed, you with your friends pups and me with my families dogs. Its nice when we don't have our own to be able to enjoy someone else's . I'm a Yay on Beach Day! It's my favorite place to be.

Edna B said...

All your doggies are so beautiful. I'd love to spend a day at the beach. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Mevely317 said...

What precious souls! I think my favorite's Zak.
Yes, I vote "YAY" for National Beach Day ... long as I don't have to worry about getting sand in my britches. (*grin*)

Theresa said...

SO cute! I love the Beach:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!