I know most people don't have favorite cups of coffee, but I am not most people when it comes to coffee. I wasn't always a coffee drinker and drank milk all through college. It wasn't the most sophisticated beverage of choice, but now I realize I did my bones a big favor. Though I didn't drink coffee, one of my college jobs was serving coffee and tea in the library during winter term. It's one of my favorite jobs and where I learned to make an urn of coffee. My tip for a good urn of coffee (or any brewed coffee) is to remove the grounds right after the brewing is done, so the oils don't drip into the coffee.

Though I was only in Cairns for three days, I visited this coffee shop enough for the
staff to make sure I had a bonus card.
Though my favorite coffee (year round) is iced coffee with lots of milk, I became a fan of the flat white, espresso with microfoam (aerated steamed milk) while I was in Australia in 2018. I wasn't familiar with it before my visit to Australia, but after my first cup at the beginning of the trip, it was my coffee of choice for the rest of my visit. I loved both the taste and the look of the Australian flat white and was never disappointed.
I went wild in Cuzco, Peru in 2016 with this fabulous Irish coffee, a great combination of brewed coffee, sugar, whipped cream and Irish whiskey.
My favorite cup of coffee (so far) of 2021
I know this forlorn cup of coffee in a paper cup is not especially enticing, and doesn't compare to the coffees pictured above. Yet, it's one of my most memorable cups ever. This is the cafe in the American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I've enjoyed lunch and coffee in the cafe many times. On the right is Central Park and a beautiful view and to the left (unpictured) is a sculpture court and beautiful Tiffany windows, including the Autumn window featured in the "A" post. On my last visit I was so excited to see that the cafe had reopened. The menu was limited, as was the seating, but what a treat to return to one of my favorite places.
As is the practice of the A to Z Challenge, we'll be taking a Sunday break from the challenge. But there will be a Pink Saturday Easter post, so I hope you will stop by.
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a bright and blessed Easter.
Ah - a post all about coffee. And I have my favourite home made espresso right beside me. I love an Irish coffee, a Viennese Iced Coffee and even a cold Americano.
My favorite cup of coffee is the one I enjoy first thing every morning when Grenville delivers ours.
I enjoyed this one very much!!! Loved hearing your journeys with coffee!!
I am not a coffee drinker myself, but if I was, I would certainly enjoy these coffees you have posted about, I'm sure. Your posts are always so fun and interesting. Have a Happy Easter and a Happy Spring!
I drink a hot mug of tea while reading your post about coffee ;) Well, I love coffee too, but more for sharing with friends.
Great post, have a beautiful weekend!
Oh, I love this post. How fun to see photos of your fav cups of coffee. I am still lost in my new town, but I did find a book store that offers a good cup of coffee. A real treat
I love how you have actually taken photos of your coffees! We are coffee drinkers for sure, and have two to three cups a day. Mine are always made with foam from one of my six foamers!! I like flavored coffees the best, Phil prefers the unflavored. I love cinnamon and mint mocha, also maple pecan and coconut mocha. I have them all here now!
I usually drink my coffee black but do enjoy it with a flavored creamer sometimes and think of it as a dessert coffee. Hope you get to enjoy many good cups of coffee in the days ahead. Make sure to let us know the when and the where.
I can't survive without my coffee. Now that I work from home all the time my wife and I justify buying really nice, roasted when you order and shipped that day, coffee.
Looking forward to seeing what you do all month.
Tim Brannan, The Other Side: 2021: The A to Z of Monsters
Never got the hang of coffee drinking. My parents loved coffee but
me not so much. I will dunk cookies in warm coffee though.
M : )
Great Post! Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. Please keep sharing.
Please visit Café Bunbury"
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