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It's A to Z Challenge Time


Not quite yet!

I've been a participant in the A to Z blog challenge since 2013. The premise is simple. A topic is chosen and every day in April -- Sundays excluded -- a post is done featuring the letter of the day. It sounds easy, but for those of us who are not daily bloggers, it's a big project. A few years I've started with A and finished with Z and other years I start skipping days and don't get further than M. 

In years past my themes have included coffee, coffee around the world and the subways of New York. Last year my theme was places I've traveled around the world. Before 2020 I generally chose topics that I would be able to photograph during March and April in New York. Last April was spent in lockdown and I knew I wouldn't get farther than places I could comfortably walk. This year I have more options in New York City and hope to be getting around the city more as the weather gets nicer.  

I didn't keep up with the timing for this year's challenge and totally missed the theme reveal on Monday. In the past I had my theme lined up and was ready for the reveal. I've got an idea, but I'm not 100% committed. This leads me to my Buttercupland question: 

What's your suggestion for my 2021 A to Z Buttercupland theme?

I'm open to sensible or zany, serious or totally frivolous. My only request is that it's something I can photograph, or have photographed already. I appreciate all suggestions. I might not choose your idea for my A to Z theme, but I will do a post based on your suggestion this spring. 

It was another spring day and I enjoyed being outside and taking photographs. I'm looking forward to another few warm days and then March returns to its more normal pattern. I've got an excursion scheduled for tomorrow and I'm hoping to get some pictures to share for Pink Saturday.  

As ever, thanks for visiting and take care. 


Brenda said...

Photograph a book, a sculpture, a work of art of any kind,,, Van Gogh or even modern art...one of the characters dress up Times Square...artistic endeavors...

Love love your blog...

acorn hollow said...

We have had spring weather here too but yes winter wants to make sure we know it is not quite time yet.
I say do what ever you feel for the day.

Ruth said...

Hi Carol.

I would love to see flower stores from New York. You have already shown such beautiful pictures of flowers....

Martha said...

I am doing the A-Z this year and chose Life in Florida for my theme. That leaves it open to so many different things I can choose, and I can use photos from my archives instead of having to take all new ones (considering our situation). I think A to Z life in NYC would be a good one for you.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'd be happy to see pictures of any of your excursions around NYC. You have so many different places to see and love that you usually take a walk every day and share it with us.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am always in awe of anyone who takes on this challenge. There are so many things to see and write about in NY. I am a gardener so how about the gardens (flowers) of NYC.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

But these "Blogging Things", take the spontaneity, out of blogging.

To me, blogging is a peek into the lives of our Fellow Bloggers. As much or little of a peek, as each chooses.

Spontaneous... Our own thoughts... Ideas... Ponderings... What we read... What we did... Etc.

This is my view!!! -smile- Just sayin'....

Gentle hugs...

Edna B said...

You enjoy being out and about as much as possible so just do the things you do and see every day. I don't get out much, so I love going with you on your many outings. Have a fun day, hugs, Edna B.

P2P said...

I would enjoy seeing the corner stores and shops of NYC streets -- flower shops, bodegas, delis, marts, and other little places tucked into the streets. They are always so inviting and colorful! Good luck with the project!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

A photo of unexpected things in the city?
Enjoy this year challenge!
I'm in too 😉

Mevely317 said...

I've no idea why this popped into my head, but ...

Remember Sinatra's splendid song lyric, "When I was 17, it was a very good year"? Not just because we're the same age -- I think it would be most enjoyable to all your readers to learn what songs, fashions, etc. were popular at different times of your life. A backdrop, if you will, to pivotal moments in our nation's history.

Theresa said...

I am doing some serious catching up with my blog friends. Hmmm, I always love seeing your beautiful city since I haven't been there in such a long time. So Scenes from the CITY! Enjoy your day dear friend, it is a beautiful one here in the South! HUGS!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This sounds like a fun project, Carol, now that the weather may be getting better and you will be able to get out and walk around the city more.