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The Happiest Day of 2020 (Thus Far)


The Great Hall of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Yesterday was the first day of 2020 that I visited the Metropolitan Museum. I was at the Museum several times in December and didn't get there in either January or February. March turned into "stay at home" days and then my visits became virtual. But our numbers have stayed flat in New York City and the museums have begun to open. Thursday and yesterday were days reserved for members and I was there when the museum opened at noon. 

A section of the Greek and Roman antiquities 

The entrance was not the usual one, which is up the front steps and into the Great Hall in the picture above. We used a different entrance and this was my sight when I first entered the galleries. For that moment -- and for many others during my visit -- I literally had the museum all to myself. 

I put this exhibit on my list for my visits in the future. 

The Temple of Dendur and the view of Central Park

My two goals for my time at the museum were to visit the Temple of Dendur and the American Wing. One of my favorite parts of the museum is the section of American Decorative Arts and even on days when every inch of the museum was packed with people, it was rare to see more than a dozen people there. My instincts were correct. There were few people and lots of seating. I needed to be out of my apartment for most of the day because of construction and I happily read a magazine in air conditioned comfort in the room below. It's not my personal reading room, but it comes close. I now know where I can find a beautiful and quiet place to read. 

My new reading room, with a view of John Vanderlyn's 

I got very carried away with photography yesterday and next week there will be several posts about my visit. We'll return for Pink Saturday tomorrow and later in the week we'll visit the newly renovated galleries for British Decorative Arts, which opened on March 2.

I've always appreciated the Metropolitan Museum, but until the last few months didn't realize how much it meant to me. It seemed that it would always be there, just a bus ride across the park. As with  so many places and experiences in my life, I've learned that they are all gifts to be treasured.

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am very excited to be touring it with you, since I will never see it in person! I think that New York's worst times are over. I love that window with the view and the reflection on the floor. And the hall is gorgeous! The building itself is like a large work of art.

Lynda said...

I am so glad you got to do something you love - - outside your apartment!!!
I have "tracked" numbers since this began - - not because I was worried but just because numbers are interesting. Yes - - the NYS numbers have been excellent.
It's been a crazy year. Some expect it to finish out with a blizzard or two. LOL
Your pics are great. Your love for this place clearly comes through in your words written with a smile of joy at being able to experience it live again.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad that your able to get back to the museum, BC. When I lived in NJ, it was one of my favorite NYC places and the Temple of Dendur was always on my “to see” list. Thanks for the memory of those happier times and will look forward to more photos in future posts.

Deb J. in Utah said...

IT is so wonderful that you could get out and go to this beautiful museum, which is truly one of our national treasures. Finding a quiet place to read in such a wonderful space is an added bonus. I will look forward to more pictures in coming posts. It is always fun to visit your blog!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad things are better there with the flattening numbers and things opening up. What a relief to be able to go to one of your favorite places. That would be quite a reading room, but I'd be too distracted to read with that beautiful artwork all around. Nice you have such a peaceful place to retreat to. Getting out of the house in your case would almost be mandatory. Take care and enjoy the last of our summer days.

Louca por porcelana said...

Just wonderful!Going there with my sons is in my bucket list...I visited this museum in 1996 and I will never forget it. Hugs!

Edna B said...

I've never been there so I'm really enjoying your photos. What a lovely place for reading your favorite books. How wonderful that things are finally able to open. Let's hope it keeps on this way. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

Jeanie said...

My old PBS buddy Harry posted that the Met was open and I had no idea. I'm thrilled -- what a perfect spot to go -- and be able to be careful and distance. I've not been in decades.