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Bye Bye, Endless Loop of Happy Birthday

My unexpected site for turning hand washing into a blessing

You are looking at a very ordinary sink. But it's the first place I put into practice my resolve to turn hand washing from a chore -- albeit an extremely necessary public health chore -- to a sacred ritual. It happened at approximately 2:05 yesterday as I washed my hands after my physical therapy session. It was easily the 10th, 15th, 20th time I washed my hands yesterday. 

My friend, Karen, did a post about hand washing as part of the Passover Seder, and it got me to thinking about the many times that hand washing is part of Jewish observance. Couldn't this most recent injunction to wash our hands become part of a sacred ritual, too? It's purpose was to help save lives and stop the spread of disease, a righteous goal. I decided instead of mindlessly singing "Happy Birthday" over and over, I would use the hand washing time throughout the day to say Psalms and pray. 

I chose the the 23rd Psalm -- the only Psalm I know by heart -- while I washed my hands at this sink.   I didn't try to time myself, but it definitely seemed long enough for the twenty seconds required for proper hand washing. I timed my self when I got home and found that it took me twenty seconds, via my phone timer, to recite the first four verses. 

One of my goals during these days of hand washing will be to add more verses to my store of memorized scripture. I may stay with Psalms, which are traditionally recited on behalf of the sick, or add other verses of Scripture. If you're not a praying person, you might recite a bit of a favorite poem, or even some long ago memorized scrap of Shakespeare.

These are tough days, and they may well get tougher. Any actions that give purpose and meaning to our lives will help us through these Black Swan days. So whether you start your hand washing with "The Lord is my shepherd..." or "She walks in beauty, like the night..." you've helped transform a burdensome chore to a sacred ritual.

As ever, thanks for visiting. Take care and wash your hands!


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

This was a lovely post, Carol, and your suggestion is a very good one.

Chatty Crone said...

Amen Carol - and I too know the 23 Psalm - my favorite one too!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful idea!! You rock!

Jane Housewright said...

The 23rd was my grandmother’s favorite!

Carol said...

My grand doll and I were just thinking of ways to know how long to wash our hands. I told her we could sing many songs that she knows. My favorite was Jesus Loves Me.

Mevely317 said...

That's a splendid idea, Carol! Now, I need to see how much I can remember of the 23rd Psalm.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Great idea, I'll be saying prayers for all. And washing is a sacred thing. I agree.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That's a much better idea than singing a couple choruses of Happy Birthday as I had read elsewhere.

Lonni said...

Very thoughtful, Carol, as well as meaningful thank you for sharing.

While I was in school, with my special student, I haven't sung Happy Birthday, I just counedt to 20 with her. Much less confusing and a good way to reinforce her counting skills.