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To Look for the Light in the World

In the past I've chosen a word for the year and in a week or so the word has drifted out of my consciousness. But this year I've spent time thinking about my word for the year, health. I knew spiritual health had to be part of my good health focus, but I was having trouble defining how I wanted to further advance my spiritual health. Until this afternoon...

Every week my congregation receives an email with thoughts for the Sabbath written by one of our rabbis. There was a paragraph in this week's email that spoke to me. It was written by Rabbi Roly Matalon, who has been with our congregation for decades. His strong presence has been a comfort in many, many difficult times. He wrote:

As a person of faith, I believe that God strengthens us and guides us as we take on the challenges before us. I believe that God helps us to discover that we are stronger and more resilient than we think, that there is more light in the world than appears to the eye, that there is inspiration to be found to lift us and to move us forward.

With both physical and financial health I have concrete goals, but with spiritual health my goals are more amorphous. In a world that too often seems gray and brooding, my goal will be to look for the light in the world and when possible to create more light in the world. This is nothing that can be done with a checklist, but I will listen to the still small voice inside and move toward the light. 

As always thanks for visiting and take good care!  




what a lovely thought, to move towards the light. if more of us did this, the world would be a better place, indeed.

Theresa said...

God gives me strength to tackle each day! I am looking for the light in the world too in this new year! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What wonderful inspirational words so needed in our world today! There is more light than we know...very hopeful words. Thanks for sharing !

Chatty Crone said...

I agree with you - what would we do without God? He is our inspiration. God is good! sandie

Mevely317 said...

Rabbi Matalon's message is subtle but so powerful. Thank you for sharing.

Paula said...

Good words to ponder! My word for this year is PEACE. I have yet to write about it.

Dee said...

Dear Carol, I like that idea--to move toward the light. It's a different way of saying to look for the good in the world. And we will find it. Let's do this together this year! Peace.