Me, my neck and Rhenotha
About a month ago I received an email asking if I would like to appear on the Dr. Oz show. They were looking for women of a more advanced age who had concerns about their neck. If we were chosen to appear on the show we would be able to try a new neck serum. I jumped at the opportunity. I have a love/hate relationship with my neck. I love that I have a neck and appreciate the good work that it does holding up my head. But I don't think my neck has worked hard enough keeping lines and sag at bay.
On Eclipse Monday I arrived for my informal on camera test to see if I would be a good choice to appear on the show. There were approximately ten women of more advanced age who had very brief interviews with Rhenotha Walker. Rhenotha, my neck and I are in the first photograph. Rhenotha was very nice and I enjoyed taking part in the experience. A few days later I received an email letting me know that I wasn't chosen for the show. I filed the experience under "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," and pretty much put it out of my mind.
Rhenotha interviewing another potential participant for the Dr. Oz Show.
Last Thursday I received a text from J, my goddaughter asking if I had been on the Dr. Oz show. My reply was that I had been interviewed, but that I hadn't been chosen. She replied that her cousin had seen me on the show and came back to me with the first picture in this post. Neck and were fifteen second stars. We had our fifteen seconds of fame. I was tickled at the idea, but my neck was totally blasé and went back to holding up my head. Dear neck, I'm glad you have your priorities straight, and thanks for keeping my head straight. 
I'm taking fifteen seconds to share one more beautiful picture of Spruce Head Island, Maine. I can't post too many photographs of Maine.
As happily is my custom, I'm joining the Pink Saturday fun. It's a bright and sunny autumn afternoon in New York City and I hope it's bright and sunny wherever you are in Buttercupland.
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a great week!
That was such a crazy exchange trying to figure it out.
I think your neck is wonderful, as holding up your head is it's main purpose. Sounds like it's doing a fine job. :-)
But I'm confused why they told you, "no." And, aren't you due some sort of remuneration for your image being shown on national television? What a great experience!
how much fun was that, neck and all? a great experience indeed.
Your neck can proudly hold your head up high, you made it into the show.
Your very nice neck is doing what it is supposed to do--hold up your head!!
Yes, if you don't try, you'd never know what might happen. I can only imagine what it would be like to be interviewed for a TV show. Glad to know your neck is holding up that head of yours. Mine is too. Have a beautiful sunny week. It's looking good here with plenty of sunshine coming ur way!
You are so cool - good for you! 15 seconds is good - more than I had!
You are my newest celebrity I know! Oh it is so good to know real celebs that are cool and kind and cute! Good to see you here my friend. I am always seeing you at FB but it is blogging I love so I am catching up and hope you will come visit the new blog soon. I will send you a PM at FB. I have a giveaway too!
Carol, You have gotten closer to being on the show than most. :):) I did tour Dr. Oz's studio once when visiting NBC . He was no where in sight at that time. Blessings to you, enjoy your fun city. xoxo, Susie
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