I've been thinking a lot about my post on Friday and about seeing New York State. There are so many sights to see and it's hard to choose the ones I'd recommend first. I'd put New York City -- especially Manhattan at the top of the list. Yes, I'm Manhattan-centric, but after forty plus years living here I've found it to be endlessly interesting. Two and three on my list -- and they are tied -- are Niagara Falls and the Thousand Islands. I've only been to Niagara Falls once, many years ago, but I've been to the Thousand Islands area many times over the last forty five years. The beauty of the river and the natural beauty of the countryside never fail to delight and calm me. If you had asked me before this most recent visit last month if there was anything I hadn't yet seen in the area, I would have replied that I'd seen all of the sights. And I would have been very wrong.
On this trip I added a visit to one of the most outstanding collections of late nineteenth and early twentieth century resort architecture in the United States. Hyperbole? Perhaps, but each building was more impressive than the one next to it. Perfectly well preserved and beautifully detailed.
The community began as a Chautauqua-like summer community with tents on wooden platforms. The first tents were built in close proximity to the Tabernacle, which was the center of the area. As more people came to enjoy the services, educational programs and find a reprieve from the heat bigger structures were built.
The District's library
The houses in this community form one of the largest intact buildings of the turn of the century period. Their lavish gingerbread trim has been well preserved. I visited on a quiet week-day morning and it felt that I slipped back into a scene from "Our Town." The modern bicycles and golf carts that were in use were among the few items that made me realize I was not celebrating the turn of the nineteenth century.
These two beauties had a view of the river. What a perfect place to sit and rock and enjoy and iced tea and a cool breeze.
This old dog -- metaphorically speaking -- learned a new trick on this visit north. There is frequently something new under the sun, but you have to be open to finding it. The "something new" in this case was actually not very new at all, but so worth discovering. My trip to Clayton followed our morning of walking, enjoying and discovering in the Historic District. If you're on the east coast, this is a relatively easy trip. If you've been wanting to visit Canada, combining this natural beauty and the interesting city sights in Ottawa, Canada's capital, would make a great trip. Remember to bring your passport!
Happily today was a beautiful day in New York City. Hermine didn't pay us a visit -- Hooray! -- though I'm not sure what tomorrow's weather may bring. I had brunch with a friend and enjoyed a much less crowded restaurant and Madison Avenue. A post later this week will bring fall fashion photographs from my walk this afternoon. Now I'm happily joining the fun at Pink Saturday.
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a wonderful Monday!

You may have visited for longer than I've lived here, but it was such a delight to see this with you. Always somewhere new to be a tourist in your own area.
I do love to sit on the porch and that house with the up and downstairs porches with a view of the beach, would make the perfect spot for me. Happy Labor Day !
Oh my...what a porch! You know I always love to travel along with you.
Glad you missed the storm. We were at the very very edge of the weather system and still managed to lose a tree. It was coming down soon anyway. But Hermine beat us to it.
A charming spot for sure. Glad the storm stayed offshore.
Those houses are charming, all that gingerbread so nicely maintained.
Those houses are so charming. Thousand Islands does look like a place where one can keep coming back and would never get tired of visiting. Thanks for taking us there.
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