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Happy Mother's Day

In an era -- Winter, 1951 -- when pictures were more of a luxury
Here I am, squirming away in my mother's arms. I'm six, or so, months old and my mother and I are in my grandparent's yard. I was supposed to be the first of several children, but the others never came. My mother always said, "I thank G'd for my one." Today, twenty six years after my mother died, and every day, I thank G'd for my mother.
Happy Mother's Day to mothers, to aunts, to godmothers, to mothers of fur babies and to all who mother and love.  ï»¿


Unknown said...

I have such fond memories of your mother. The kitchen table was always such a welcoming place! I remember our visits, and I was probably 4? Sylvia and Rose were quite a pair!

Paula said...

We must be close to the same age. I was born in April of 1951 and I posted a picture of me with my mother! Happy Mother's Day!

Theresa said...

What a sweet picture! My Mama passed away in 1988 and I think of her every day of my life! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Linda said...

Beautiful...thank you for sharing. A Happy Mother's Day to you, friend.

From the Kitchen said...

I love seeing the older photos. Enjoy those lovely remembrances of your mother.


Mevely317 said...

Weren't we wonderfully blessed?
Eternally grateful for the memories...

JD/ Jill said...

Lovely Post! It's been six years for me. But I have been blessed to have some wonderful memories to keep me going! Hope you have a very special day!

Melinda said...

Hope your day was fabulous!!

M : )


A lovely picture. Memories of moms are part of this SPECIAL day. Yours sounds sweet indeed. Hope you had a wonderful day.

shortybear said...

enjoy your mother's day

Susie said...

Carol, I love this picture. Love it. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

Anonymous said...

A precious photo to cherish. Time eases the pain of the loss of our moms but we miss them, don't we? As I grow older, I also realize more and more just how much she did for me.