...and two posts don't end a Blogger's Block.
I thought after two posts earlier this week I'd be back on the blogger track. But as Aristotle said -- or at least has the attribution -- "One Swallow Does Not a Summer Make." My blogger block is not for lack of ideas or pictures, but every time I sat down at the computer to post I got distracted and the posts I had in my head never made it to publish.
I've been trying to figure out if something is on my mind, and there's nothing I can think of. It's been a good week. I've gotten to the gym, Weight Watcher's, done a lot of reading and even got to the movies. It's just time to sit myself down in front of the computer and write. At this moment, as I type away, I'm typing away happily and so glad to be blogging.
One event that took place this week, though not officially on the calendar, is the arrival of summer to New York City. Hot, hot and hotter. I'm wearing short sleeved t-shirts and carrying an umbrella with me to be prepared for summer showers. I'm making every effort not to complain and be happy there is no snow on the sidewalks.
Thank you, Google, for the enhancement. This beautiful composition greeted me two days ago in front of the building next door. 
I'm adding this photo to the fun at Pink Saturday. Please stop by for some pretty in pink good times.
As always, thanks for visiting and have a fun pink Saturday!
Love Aristotle's quote! Very true! I, too, have been away from Blogger for a bit. Ideas seem to become interrupted between my brain and my fingers on the keyboard.:-) Have a good Saturday!
Pretty flowers in the planting. Like you, I am busy in retirement. I am content posting about once a week, when inspiration arrives.
I hate it when I just cannot seem to focus when I am sitting in front of the computer to write on my blog. I hope that summer isn't too scorching for you in New York. I know that I have head that the City can get really, really hot. We have already had one 100* day here in Kansas. Once again, thank you so much for the delightful package I received. Made my day!!
Buttercup, You get to see so many pretty things. I love the big flower containers on NYC sidewalks. Some times I just really have nothing exciting to write about...because I do not get out to many interesting places any more. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
Beautiful collection of colorful flowers. Sounds like you are enjoying summer. Recently, I often just post a photo or pose a question on the blog. I just love "checking in" with folks daily - every post does not have to be grand. Happy to see you on here tonight. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.
I'm sorry you're still going through this 'block' business, as well!
Actually, reading your resolve earlier this afternoon prompted me to just sit down and DO it.
'So glad to read you're enjoying a pleasant week. It never fails to cheer me, seeing an update from "Buttercup" on my dashboard!
I know where you are coming from. I have started five posts since my last one, but have not finished a one. I guess none of them even interested me. I will definitely do one this week, or maybe next week.
Love the quote too. Sometimes we get tongue-tied. Inspiration strikes in the most unusual places, doesn't it?
I hope you're able to stay cool in the hot NYC summer! It never gets warmer than the low 70s here, so we don't have that problem :)
Summer is here and I agree, we don't dare complain. No snow and I'm not freezing cold when I step out the door so we do have to be thankful for that. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday !
Me too.
Sometimes our brains just won't put our
thoughts out there and that is ok.
But I know how you feel.
M : )
I just love to see you when I can! Life gets in the way often and I recently committed to doing a post a day about our heritage with my cousin Mike. I will start in July. He has been so consist during June and we are both learning so much that we stored in the ole memory bank! A few more of our cousins have been sharing their thoughts and it has been quite interesting. You always share good things and cheerful photos. Plus being grateful about the weather is a good thing. I notice how much I complain about the snow, than the rain, than the heat! LOL! I guess we can never be pleased. Write when you can and know how much you are appreciated here. Hugs, Anne xo
I'm often frustrated by my lack of posting. My problem is that I've made posting to my blog as part of my work in the communications office of our congregation. And most of the time we're so busy that something has to take the proverbial back seat. Guess what it usually is!
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