I thought returning from a week in New England would be the easiest vacation transition possible. There would be no time zone changes and the flight was only an hour and a half. There were no language changes and the currency was dollars. But from the moment I saw my first tidal pool I had entered a different world, as surely as if I had gone half way around the world.
I had the very good fortune to visit a college friend who has had a cabin on Spruce Head Island for the last thirty years. She planned a wonderful week, with lots to see, as well as time to enjoy the ever-changing and always beautiful scenery. It was a trip I wouldn't have been able to make on my own. I would have had no idea what was down any of the dirt roads we traveled, and I would have missed so many moments that made the week so special.
The view from the cabin on my first night in Maine
I had the very good fortune to visit a college friend who has had a cabin on Spruce Head Island for the last thirty years. She planned a wonderful week, with lots to see, as well as time to enjoy the ever-changing and always beautiful scenery. It was a trip I wouldn't have been able to make on my own. I would have had no idea what was down any of the dirt roads we traveled, and I would have missed so many moments that made the week so special.
The setting sun taken during a walk on the first night of my visit.
I'm happy I took a lot of pictures that evening. The four days that followed were foggy and I didn't see many sunsets like this one again. 
South Thomaston, Maine. This was one of my favorite views. Water everywhere and the Methodist Church on the right.
It wouldn't be a proper photo album of Maine without a lighthouse picture. This is the Marshall Point Lighthouse. We stopped here after a visit to Port Clyde and Sunday morning blueberry pancakes.

Now my scenery looks closer to this subway picture and my diet is much simpler than the delicious blueberry pancakes. I indulged mightily during this vacation and getting back to less indulgent eating is mandatory. I've grocery shopped, sorted laundry, gone to the bank and even made it to the gym today. It's back to Weight Watchers tomorrow morning and the reality of fried clams and blueberry pancakes. But it's also moments, many moments of remembering the light on the water. As with so many vacation memories they drift back when I don't expect them and I have returned to Maine in my heart.
I'm planning to do two more posts about my visit to Maine. One will focus on the food -- one of the best eating vacations ever -- and another on some of the places we visited, with links.
As ever, thanks for visiting and have a sweet day!
The far northeast of the US is beautiful in all seasons. Actually the three "sister" states: Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are wonderful places to visit.
Hi Carol,
Beautiful photos! I have never to been Main and its one of the places I have wanted to visit. So I am very much enjoying your trip though your eyes.
It sure looks peaceful and quite.
Have a sweet day, Elizabeth
I have never been lucky enough to visit Maine. Or any of the states up that way. The picture of the church is breathtaking. Relax and enjoy your time back home!
Maine is such a pretty state! I was fortunate to be able to visit it three times when I lived in NY. I had to visit a few iconic lighthouses when I was there, as I love lighthouses, and my husband and I drove around Arcadia NP. Of course we also ate lots of Maine lobster on our trips -- it is the best! I look forward to your future posts about your trip, Carol.
I love this state. My first visit was last summer. And though my sweet cousins invited me again this year, my cousin's MiL had such severe medical problems they could not get away. Hopefully next year. I agree about the food. Two of my most favorite in the world: lobster and blueberries!
Maine! One place on my list to visit! Our daughter spent last week there! It sounds like a wonderful time.
The only memory I carry (from having visited Maine in '65) were their blueberries.
These images are wonderful!
It looks like a beautiful place for vacation. Good to have memories like that.
Beautiful photos!!! Nice to have you back, Buttercup. Blessings
Gorgeous Pics! I went on MapQuest to see where you were. Was there a bridge to that island or is it only accessible by boat? Neat place to live. Does your friend winter there, also? It would definitely be a "cool" place to live during those months.
What a gorgeous part of our country! I love your photos and look forward to more. I mentioned you on my blog this morning. What a sweet friend you are! Hugs, Diane
Oh Carol, what stunning views! I wouldn't want to leave such a lovely place :) It is a dream of mine to visit Maine...maybe someday. Happy weekend, my friend. Hugs to you!
What a beautiful trip and wonderful time with your friend! I have never been to this part of the Country, would love to visit these beautiful sites! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
What lovely views and scenes. I miss visiting the ocean. - My favorite here was the shot with the church in the background. So glad you had such a nice trip.
Carol, So nice that you and your college friend can have a wonderful vacation together. I miss my dear friends, that I used to run with. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
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