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Back to School

Growing up in Connecticut school began the Wednesday after Labor Day. It ended the last week in June and school vacation included all of of July and August. I didn't realize that school could begin before Labor Day until I moved to Nashville in 1972. Not having children in school my clues to when school begins are governed by a range of things. There are advertisements for back to school sales, as well as lots of  pictures on my Facebook feed. The buses taking the neighborhood kids to camp have dwindled and soon the school buses will start to arrive on the corners each morning. But the biggest sign in my life will be the change in public transportation. I don't travel much at rush hour any more, but the subways will be much more crowded and in the hours after school it will be hard to get a seat on the bus.

This is all very different from my school experience. I went to two different elementary schools. For the first two years I lived a block from the school. We moved the summer before second grade and after that I walked six blocks to and from school. If the weather was especially bad my mother would give me a ride to school, but generally we -- my next door neighbors and I -- walked to school, home for lunch and back and home again after school. Back to school was marked by new clothes, especially shoes and a new pencil box in the lower grades. I loved shopping for school supplies and enjoyed setting up my notebook, organizing my pens and pencils and later covering my books in brown paper grocery bags. I still enjoy browsing in a stationery store and have kept notebooks throughout my entire working career and still do, now in retirement.

What are your favorite memories of "back to school?"

I'm on the lookout for pictures of monkeys and will be posting them for what else, "Monkey Monday."

I am a tremendous fan of sock monkeys and I couldn't resist this guy all ready for back to school. I found him in the window of one of the local children's stores and enjoyed all of the fun backpacks and water bottles. What a great way to go back to school! 

Another glorious day in New York City, sunny and not too hot or humid. I started my day with physical therapy and I am pleased to report that I have "graduated" from one to two pound weights. My second goal of the day was to do a blog post before the day ran away from me, and I am happy to have accomplished this. I may try for the gym this afternoon or I may stay at home and work on the eternal decluttering project. 

Whatever you're doing today I hope it's fun and that you're doing well. As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care. 


Deanna said...

I think my memories of school are very similar to yours. Walking to school, new school supplies, and covering my school books with brown paper bags, all good!!

Kerin said...

Hello Carol,
Oh, yes. It's back to school time here too.
The kids here started earlier this year, so that they can have a longer Christmas break.

Back to school for me was torture!!
I detested sitting in a class room watching the world go by. I wanted to be outside doing something. I always would have rather been home, helping my mom bake bread, or decorated cakes{we owned a bakery}. I would have loved to be in the shop with my Dad watching him pour bronzes {he was an artist} and sculpt.
Anything but school.....*sigh**.

I always wish the best of luck to all the teachers, and students this time of year.
Their all going to need it!

Kerin said...

p.s forgive my typos.

Sola Scriptura said...

I like to see the new school supplies in the stores. Why didn't they sell such cool stuff when I was a school girl?
Today was a gorgeous day here so I spent the day at the beach. I love days like this!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I always walked to school too. I remember covering those books with paper bags too. That was always a must. Just yesterday my oldest son told me his daughter only has one text book this year. The rest of the studies for her are on line. Everyone needs a computer these days it seems. How times are changing. It's hot here and I've been in most of the day but am about to head out to the porch and enjoy some fresh air for awhile.

Nellie said...

Oh, dear! I truly identify with that "eternal decluttering" you mention!

Schools in our system here began two weeks ago. This enables them to complete the entire first semester before the winter holidays. End of the year comes before Memorial Day.

As I am a retired elementary teacher, I have many memories of the first day of school.:-)

Dee said...

Dear Carol, like you, I'm feeling good about what I've accomplished today: writing morning pages, saying affirmations, going for a walk, writing 2,100 words on my memoir, listening to a healing CD, and now reading blogs and commenting. All this doesn't happen each and every day, but when I can get in the full complement I'm always pleased with myself!

As to school memories, my favorite is the new dress Mom bought or made for me each August. After the first week of school, we girls wore uniforms all the rest of the year--all through grade and high school. And that dress, worn to school the first week, became my Sunday dress for the rest of the year. I always felt "spiffy." Peace.

Catherine said...

Dear Carol,

I loved getting a new pair of school shoes. It was the best. I also enjoyed the new pencil case, eraser, crayons and of course the notebook and schoolbag.
I too covered my books in the brown paper bags.
I think things are much different now. I wonder if the kids have the same fond memories though....
Blessings dear. Catherine

Cranberry Morning said...

Making progress with physical therapy. That is good. I am too, though not as quickly as I'd like. My favorite thing about school was getting the new school book bag and notebooks! Still love notebooks. :-)

Mevely317 said...

Definitely the smells-- New paper, new pencils, new books ... and paste!

(I never did master the knack of covering my books with the brown paper bag, tho.)

Melinda said...

When I went to school (in Missouri)
we began after Labor Day and ended
before Memorial Day.
I still have problems going back to
school here (Kansas) so early!
No more three month vacations.

M : )


I loved covering my books with those brown grocery bags. Enjoyed hearing about your days in school. I was bullied in elementary school, so all was not happy for me.

My New Happy said...

Here in Seattle school still starts after Labor Day. I always feel like fall and back to school are such a fresh start!

Susie said...

Buttercup, Our school year start after Labor day and ended at the end of may. We always had 3 months of summer. I loved new crayons. We rarely got any new clothes. When I could baby sit any one besides my own brothers and sisters, I would buy a few things. My daughter is a 5th grade teacher and she is getting less and less time for summer. Hope you are enjoying this tail end of our summer. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Familyofthree said...

Isaac has the sock giraffe you gave him as an infant on his dresser in his room :) Perhaps we should get him a back pack and send him off to school :)

Pam said...

Good that your therapy is doing well. School started a couple of weeks ago here, as the kids missed so many days due to bitter cold and snow last year, so they have started early this year. I too, have the same memories of school, shopping for supplies, that perfect binder, etc. then covering the books with paper bags.

Ida said...

School doesn't start here until next week (2nd). I think one of my most memorable starts to school was not being able to find my classroom after I had transferred to a different school in the 1st grade. The Janitor found me crying outside after recess and directed me back to my classroom.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

I have very fond memories of back to school days. I went to a Catholic elementary school but, unlike today, we didn't wear uniforms. I usually got a new dress to begin school which always made me happy. I also loved getting new school supplies--guess it didn't take much to make me happy! There was a public elementary school right across the street from ours so kids from both schools were walking to school at the same time. Usually someone would yell at us: "Hey, Catholics!" and we'd yell back, "Hey, Publics!" Then we'd usually cross the street and walk along together!