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Welcome Back, No Spending January


Stayed in the store!

Once again, we welcome back a dear friend, No Spending January. While I saved up, shopped ahead and thought I was being prudent, December was still a pricy month. No surprise. I was royally spoiled and am so grateful for all the goodies that appeared in my mailbox, and I have no need to indulge myself with spending and treats in January. I planned for No Spending by ordering one gift, buying a gift and a shirt I had been looking at for months (now marked down to 25% of original price) and shampoo before the clock struck midnight yesterday. 

My rules for No Spending January are simple, no buying things. I can still buy groceries, tickets and household supplies, like the paper towels I need to buy this week. I am making a few exceptions to my rule. If I happen to find the holiday tissue paper I'd like for next year, it will go in my cart. So far there's no half-price tissue paper anywhere in New York City, but I'm still on the lookout. 

As in the past, I'm tracking my spending when I do spend in January. I spent $2.26 this morning for two greeting cards using my $2.00 discount at CVS. I also spent $25.00 on a gift. I'm optimistic that $27.26 will be the extent of my spending for January.  

Anyone else joining me in No Spending January?

I got my walk in this morning and looking forward to seeing friends this evening to celebrate Chanukah. Chanukah will officially be over at sundown, but our scheduling deferred to those who are still working. I'm also pleased to be blogging two days in a row. I've been a haphazard blogger and definitely glad to be less haphazard (so far) in 2025.

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.         


Chatty Crone said...

How about I watch what I spend very well - lol. I wish I could not spend.

Jeanie said...

I'm not officially no-spending January, but I am taking it easy for sure, and suspect most of what I spend will be things like food, gas, postage (to mail the stuff I should have mailed before the holidays), that kind of thing. Do you have a dollar tree near you? They have good bundles for $1.25 (nothing's a dollar anymore!). Year round.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I'd never heard of a no-spend January, but it's a great idea, especially if you think you might have overdone it over Christmas. I am pretty frugal, at least with myself, all the time. Blessings!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I admire you for doing the no spending but I think I am OK with my spending lately. I stick to needs more than wants now. Happy New Year my friend!

Marcia said...

Will not be joining you on your quest not to spend this month. Yesterday I purchased earbuds so I can listen to a book while I cross stitch or work on a puzzle. Loving that purchase already.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Carol, it seems we are thinking alike and sure others are too especially after the holidays. This week, I removed items on my Amazon shopping wish list. While most were household things, they were not immediate needs.

Sandi said...

No spending January. Wise idea!