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Leaf Peepers at Sea


Halifax harbor

In five days I will be sailing into Halifax harbor, accompanied by two friends from my working days and Pep. We've all been retired over ten years and as the years have gone by we don't see enough of each other. To remedy this we're setting sail from Brooklyn this afternoon to spend a week sightseeing, laughing, talking and hoping to find autumn leaves. We planned this trip months ago, and it seemed so far off. But far off is now and I'm just about packed and ready for our adventure. 

We'll be visiting Newport, RI, Boston, Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park and Halifax, Nova Scotia. The weather looks good -- I've been tracking rain further north for the last week -- and it's warmer than I anticipated. I'm packing a sweatshirt, shorts and an umbrella and Pep's got a hoodie, too.  Here's a toast to friendship and smooth sailing. 

I'm hoping to do a blog post (or two) while I'm away, and will definitely be posting on Facebook and Instagram. Please stop by and travel with us. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take care! 


Anonymous said...

That’s exactly a trip I’ve been thinking about! I look forward to hearing how it goes. Post when you can.

Lynda said...

I am very happy you are getting to do this! Hopefully you may see a few autumn colors further north? It may be too early though. It would be great if your weather stayed beautiful. Looking forward to updates.

Sandi said...

A misty cool day, but beautiful.

Latane Barton said...

What a trip! Wish I could hide in your luggage! Have fun and don't forget to share with us land-bounders.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Oh, that sounds like such a fun trip with good friends!

Jeanie said...

Hoping you have a fabulous trip. I'll be the color will be great!

Marcia said...

Enjoy the trip. The Immigration Museum in Halifax right at the water's edge is well worth a visit.