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The Actor, the Legend, the Duck


We love a celebration in Buttercupland. We regularly celebrate National Coffee Day and National Bagel Day. We've celebrated (among others) National Cat Day, National Beach Day, National Licorice Day and dedicated a month to National Salad Month. We've even celebrated National Rubber Ducky Day. But we've never celebrated a day for an iconic actor. But today, we and the world celebrate one of Hollywood's legends on his 90th birthday. We are thrilled to celebrate the actor and the legend, Donald Duck.

We got to see Donald and his beloved Daisy during our recent visit to Disneyland Paris. I know he has the reputation for being grumpy, but that wasn't our experience. In fact, he couldn't have been cheerier and Daisy is a sweetheart. 

In celebration here are a few facts about the ever popular quacker. Donald was introduced on June 9, 1934 as an edgier counterpart to the always smiling Mickey Mouse. Daisy didn't enter his life until 1940 with an appearance in "Mr. Duck Steps Out." Donald has appeared in over 200 films and won an Academy Award in 1943. Despite his amazing career, he wouldn't get his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame until 2003. 

Please give a big cheer for the most famous duck ever, Donald Duck. Congratulations, Donald, you're looking fabulous for 90.

I'm enjoying June days in New York. Lots of walking, time with friends and time at the gym. The weather has been glorious and lots of blue skies. I know the heat is on the way, but I'm savoring the bliss of 75 degree days. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for a great week! 


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I celebrated Donalds birthday too! He has always been a favorite of mine. I haven't been to Disney but I have watched many cartoons and movies he has been in. Always enjoyable and you don't have to be a kid to do that either.

Chatty Crone said...

I celebrated his birthday too on Ma's post. 90 years old - he looks good. That had to be so much fun visiting in Paris! Glad he was nice.

Lynda said...

I love hearing about the history of Donal Duck. I did not know most all of that! Thanks for sharing. I often say it is a good day when we learn something new.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I did not know it was his 90th birthday. He is looking fabulous for 90.
Love the picture of him and Daisy.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy Birthday to Donald, who hasn't aged a bit, just like another legend, Pat Boone, who amazingly is the same age and yes very much alive! I listen to his radio show on Sirius weekly.

Buy Legit NBA 2K25 MT said...

Donald Duck has been an iconic figure for generations, and it's fantastic to see such a delightful tribute to his 90th birthday! Your celebration of National Donald Duck Day is both fun and heartwarming. I loved learning more about Donald's history and achievements, especially his Academy Award and star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Your personal touch, sharing your experience with Donald and Daisy at Disneyland Paris, made the post even more engaging. Thank you for brightening my day with this cheerful and informative piece. Happy birthday, Donald Duck!