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It's No-Spending June


There will be spending here -- 
The neighborhood has waited years for H Mart to open

There's been no-spending January, February, April, September and October. There's been Low-Spending February and September and in 2024 we're adding no-spending June. It's time to get back on the thoughtful spending wagon. 

I didn't go wild in May, but despite using mostly points for my trip to Paris, there were lots of expenses. At the end of the month, I looked at bills, balances and recounted all the fun and treats I'd had in March, April and May. There were two big trips -- Arizona and France -- and lots (and lots) of eating out. I realized this is a great reset month, both for spending and eating. The best way I know to reset eating is to cut out sugary treats and extra bread and the best way I know to reset financially is a no-spending month. 

My no-spending rules this month are the simple version, no buying things. I can buy food, eat out -- though I'm looking to be more thoughtful about this -- and buy tickets to events or flights. But things are off my list. I won't buy clothes, makeup or any of the cute things I see in store windows or that Amazon offers me. I do have a couple of birthday gifts that I didn't get in Paris, and those will be my exceptions to the no-spending rule. 

Anyone else want to join me in No-Spending Land?

The store pictured above is H Mart, which has a big selection of foods from Korea and other Asian countries. It just opened this weekend, so I'm holding off on a visit until the opening days crowds have subsided. I'm eager to explore it and will be doing a blog post with the treasures I find. 

We've had perfect late spring weather and I've got photographs to share from my excursions in the last week. I know the heat will soon arrive, but I've been making the most of days without humidity.   

As ever, thanks for visiting and happy June. 


Chatty Crone said...

I have never heard of an H Mart.
You know what on that list would be hard for me - AMAZON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am bad, have to get better about spending.

Jeanie said...

I'm kind of in no-spend land, with similar rules as you have. Dining out (on occasion) is OK, as is buying food; clothes in a limited way are OK (my last year's clothes are a little large right now so I need some shorts and tops that fit) -- but not whole hog. And other than that, nothing other than gifts or essentials (meaning something I've run out of, though I don't think I'll be needing it that much.) My trip to England is in October and I know this summer (maybe even this month) I'll be spending for flight and reservations, but I don't really count that!

Mevely317 said...

Trying again! Blogger seems to be eating my earlier comments. (*Sigh*)
I could sure stand to observe a 'no spending' month.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

A no spending month might be tough for me, so I prefer to call it a limited spending month, Carol. Last month included a couple of regrettable purchases so I am backtracking to save this month. Clothes shopping is not on my list, aside from a great thrift store find😉. After eating out for a couple of weeks on our recent road trip to Maine and Canada, we will be limiting ourselves here at home, which is hard as there are so many restaurants within walking distance of our apt.

Lynda said...

You know what's cool for me right now? With the decluttering I have been doing - - not fast enough - - I really don't have a desire for anything else - - - other than an occasional "top/blouse" since it is time to replace some things. I am not a fashion hound so it is not like I want to keep up with the latest styles. Mine are just older and have some wear.