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May They Serve In Peace


On Broadway

I had no specific plans for today. I'm not a big fan of travel on the summer holiday weekends and this year was no exception. Saturday and yesterday I caught up with friends I haven't spent as much time as I'd like lately and enjoyed the early summer weather and a quieter city. I saw a movie, Fall Guy, with Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt; great views of Sydney, interesting plot twists and two hours of Ryan Gosling. I drank coffee outside, people watched and walked miles. No complaints. 

Today I went to the gym, drank coffee outside again, more people watching and got caught in the rain, a lot of rain. I also was reminded that it's Fleet Week, the celebration honoring America's sea services. I don't think I've ever seen our Fleet Week visitors in the neighborhood before, but there were three sailors walking in front of me on Broadway.

We look close together, but that's thanks to the miracle of the lens on my phone. I didn't get close enough to welcome them to the Upper West Side and thank them for their service, so my thanks and good will was silent. I pray that these three sailors and their colleagues in all of the services will serve in peace and that their crisp uniforms will stay crisp, without the blood of war.

I know these are more serious thoughts than usual for Buttercupland, but it's Memorial Day and my thoughts today are with those who served in war and didn't come home to family and friends who were waiting.  My gratitude for their sacrifice and may their memories be for a blessing.  

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care, friends. 


Sandi said...

The uniforms look festive and old-fashioned to me, but their job is serious.

Lynda said...

My dad was in the Navy and so was my brother. We had a very reverent service at church Sunday honoring those who had fallen. The man who presented was our age. He was the commander of a Marine Battalion. On a Dec 7, they were ambushed in Vietnam and 14 of the "boys" under him were killed. Most were 19 and no one older than 23. You could still see the pain in his eyes as their faces and personalities were flashing through his mind.

Mevely317 said...

So grateful to those who put on the uniform!
At first glance I thought this was an image from WWII; love the black-and-white photography.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so grateful to them as well - they give so much to keep our country free and safe.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

My husband is a U.S. Navy veteran so seeing these your men in their whites was a reminder that he and others who served made it home safely. Your choice of a black and white rendering was perfect, Carol.

Terra said...

Your photo is very artistic, you captured your subjects well. Yes, I hope all our military will be safe and not need to fight. I give them my gratitude and respect.