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From This Side of the Atlantic


Almost three weeks ago in Paris

Sunday, three weeks ago, I was in Paris and I took this picture. It's a park near my hotel and on the left is the Church of Saint Sulpice. It's a quiet residential area of Paris. Yes, there are tourists -- I was one -- but it's perfectly located to be far from the bustle and yet, just a half hour from Notre Dame. 

I am sadly remiss in sharing my Paris pictures. After I blogged last Saturday I started a post about my visit to the Musee d'Orsay, the Impressionist museum. I didn't finish it the day I began it, nor the next. Usually when that happens I leave the post as a draft and start a new post. I find that's the universe's way of saying, move on. But I didn't do that. I returned each day and stared at my post. I've now attempted to complete the post six times and the universe said, "Buttercup, move on." 

So I've moved on, with a picture of Paris -- perhaps, my favorite -- and a painting (below) from the d'Orsay, which may be my favorite from this visit. It's somewhat of a surprise that I'm home almost three weeks -- at least a week was lost to jetlag -- and spring is beginning to slip into summer in New York. 

The pace has picked up from the jet laggy first week back in New York. I've been to the dentist, several visits to Weight Watchers, desperately needed after beaucoup des croissants, and walks in Central and Riverside Parks. 

I'm beyond grateful that I was able to do  the trip to Paris, financially and in energy and ability. It's not something I take lightly. What a gift!

Now on to the rest of 2024. There's a long awaited wedding in Maine, a special birthday celebration for a dear work friend and a return to Wildwood, NJ for another Baby Yoda weekend. 

Before I close this long overdue post, The Cradle, painted by Berthe Morisot:

As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for a great week!


Lynda said...

I agree with the move on - - that happens to me with small projects around the house.
My thought is you will still give us some pics here and there in the future of your trip and they will be a special treat like those you shared today. You can write about NYC and your activities and still show some of Paris.
Glad your body is slowly adjusting to our time zone again. The great news is you did not have to jump back into work and deprive your body of needed sleep. That sets a person up for low immunity. Retirement is great!

Mevely317 said...

G'morning, and it's so good to 'see' you back.
I know little to nothing about art, but Morisot's "The Cradle" is riveting. The expression on her face!

Isn't it great, having future outings on the calendar?! I hope you enjoy a wonderful new week.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Welcome home, Carol, it was nice to find an updated post about your Paris visit. I know what you mean about starting a post and then never finishing it for a while (or never). It would be wonderful to read and see more of your overseas adventures once you have settled back into life in NYC.

Marcia said...

Great memories were made on your trip. No need to write about them unless you really want to.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh - I love PARIS! Show more even if it is just one once in awhile. So romantic!