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Bonjour, New York!

I love Paris, especially on beautiful sunny days

Greetings from New York City,

I'm back from Paris after a wonderful not-quite two weeks of museums, walking, croissants and cafes and a very fun day at Disneyland Paris. I also returned with a massive case of jet lag, and though I attempted to get back on New York time, my body wasn't having it. I was awake at six a.m. -- which is noon Paris time -- needed a nap in the afternoon and then asleep again around nine. I'm pretty much back on New York time and hoping to get through a post without falling asleep.

I've got weeks of posts, but in this first post-Paris post I'm going to include just a few of the high points. Seeing Notre Dame (above) was a thrill. It's a miracle that this 800 year old building survived a major fire in 2019 and is scheduled to reopen this December. It's completely closed to visitors while the reconstruction is taking place, but I was so happy to see it and visit the area. 

Do you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa? 

It wouldn't  have been a visit to Paris without a visit to the Louvre and it wouldn't have been a visit to the Louvre without stopping by to see the Mona Lisa. The room was crowded -- very, very crowded is a more accurate description -- but I raised my phone way over my head and was able to get a clear photograph of "the lady with the mystic smile." I promise a post later this month with some of my other favorites from my visit to the Louvre. 

My good friend, Pluto

I was staying close to Disneyland Paris and decided to spend a day at Disneyland. I'd been there in 1992 and it was both much smaller and totally uncrowded. I was also thirty plus years younger. On my first visit I rode many of the rides and got to see just about all of the park. There were a few new rides I wanted to ride, but they came with a warning to people who had spinal issues, which left me out. I enjoyed a few rides, the beautiful gardens and best of all, meeting Pluto. Yes, I wasn't the only one of the Buttercupland Crew who met Pluto, Pep and Baby Yoda were along for the fun.   

Tomorrow we'll be visiting the Musee D'Orsay, which focuses on Impressionist art. It was a favorite part of my visit to Paris and there are two paintings in particular that I'd like to share for Mother's Day.

I've been away from blogging way too long and it's good to be back to writing and sharing my Paris adventures. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for a sweet Sunday.


Mevely317 said...

I love this photo of you and Pluto (and the kids)! He seems like an affable chap.
So glad you're home safe and sound.

Jeanie said...

I'm so looking forward to your Paris posts. I know just what you mean about just SEEING Notre Dame, still standing.

Marcia said...

I was wondering if France swallowed you up. Don't know if I'll ever get to Paris so will enjoy your photos vicariously.

Lynda said...

Your trip seemed to get over way too quickly! So thankful you were able to do this - - - and share it with us!

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like the photograph of you and Pluto.

All the best Jan