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On the First Night of Chanukah


We light one candle... 
And then one more each night until all eight candles are lit. 

Chanukah is actually a relatively minor holiday on the Jewish calendar. It commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after the Seleucid occupation. The story goes that there was only enough sacred oil to last for one night, but miraculously the oil burned for eight nights. This miracle has been remembered and celebrated since that time, for 2200 hundred years. 

I'm borrowing from my Chanukah blog post in 2020, an especially dark time and not the brightest of Chanukah celebrations. I celebrated both alone and virtually and my lone jelly doughnut -- a traditional Chanukah food -- was a lot less tasty then those times when I've enjoyed it at a party with friends. 

From December 2020:

I find it extraordinary that 2200 years have gone by since those miraculous eight days and around the world the commemoration is taking place. Candles are lit, blessings are said and sufganiyot (traditional jelly doughnuts) are eaten. Children still spin the dreidel, a four sided top. The letters on the top symbolize the phrase, "A great miracle happened there."

But most of all we commemorate the victory of light over darkness and the ability to have hope and believe in miracles, no matter how improbable they may seem. I'm going to hold on to the Chanukah message throughout what may be a dark and cold winter and remember that great miracles are always possible. 

That's my message on this first night of Chanukah, 2023, to believe in miracles, no matter how improbable they may seem.  

As ever, thanks for visiting. Prayers for light and peace and hope! 


Deb J. in Utah said...

May you have a happy and peaceful Chanukah!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Chanukah to you! May you keep your light shining in all the days ahead!

Marcia said...

Enjoy your holiday.

Jeanie said...

Sending you beautiful Hanukkah wishes this year. It's a hard year for so many and I love the words you expressed.

Anonymous said...

Even though a minor holiday, the light it brings is so welcome at this time of year in the north. Happy Chanukah! Olivia