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(Always) the Season for Dogs and Books


If you're a dog fan and you like to read...

...which is about ninety per cent of Buttercupland, I've got a book to  recommend, What We Learned from Fostering Dogs. It's sweet, it's poignant and you'll need to order (at least) two, because you'll definitely want to keep one. 

In the strange ways of the world I met Rusty and his beautiful wife, Elissa, after we shared an obscure medical condition. We met at a conference in 2013 and happily have stayed in touch for the last nine years. Rusty would laugh at being described as a Renaissance Man, but he' got a host of talents and he does all of them well. 

I'm sure you've still got a few gifts to buy for the season and this funny and lovely book is at the top of the Buttercup list for 2022.  I'd love to add to the list. If any of you have published a book this year or in the past and you would like me to feature it on a post, please let me know.  

As Facebook and Instagram friends have seen I've been out taking pictures of New York during the holiday season and the first of those pictures will be posted here on December 1.There will some of the usuals -- the Metropolitan Museum and Rockefeller Center -- and I hope to visit a few new places, too. There will, of course, also be a visit by Pep LeMonkee, and the Snowpeople and friends, but that will be scheduled later in the season. 

Tomorrow is an update on my mileage for the year and then it's the holidays all the time. I hope you'll visit often during this festive season.    

As ever, thanks for visiting and happy wishes for the week.  


Deb J. in Utah said...

I have a friend who fosters dogs, and now I know the perfect Christmas gift for her. Thanks so much!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

There are no dogs here, but I do love books. This would be a good book for one of my sons. They are always taking in dogs from the animal shelter. I'm looking forward to the holiday pictures !