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Afternoon at Tiffany's


Yes, it's your journalist, Buttercup, reflected in the windows at Tiffany's

It wasn't lunch at Tiffany's or even a snack. The majestic store on the corner of Fifth Avenue and East 57th Street is under major construction, so the big window displays past weren't there this year. But a friend requested photographs of Tiffany's windows and I decided to see what display would be there. They were smaller, but still filled with beauty and diamonds, lots of diamonds. 

Previously the entrance -- big and majestic -- opened to Fifth Avenue. 

Definitely the best window shopping of 2021. The jewelry was so fabulous that it was more like being at a museum and not a store. 

I was very content just to window shop. I don't think this beautiful pin would fit into my wardrobe or jewelry collection. I also doubt that I'd be comfortable wearing it without a guard at my side. 

The windows at Tiffany were only part of my holiday sightseeing yesterday. I was able to see the fabulous windows at Bergdorf Goodman, which will be featured next Monday. I also found a wonderful display at the Pulitzer Fountain, in front of the Plaza Hotel. I loved it and will be sharing it in the next few days.

All of this sightseeing  has been great for my Journey of 1,000 Miles. As of tonight I have walked 987.7 miles in 2021. Barring unforeseen circumstances -- this is 2021 and there seem to be unforeseen circumstances around every corner -- I hope to achieve my 1,000 mile goal on either December 26 or 27. The mild weather has not been great for skiing, but it's been ideal for my walking. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and have a wonderful Wednesday.  


TheRealNel_B said...

Thank you ☺️ thank you 😊 !!
I love ❤️ the store and now a very good memory too. 🤗

DeniseinVA said...

How I would love to browse in those windows and thanks to you, I have :)

Deb J. in Utah said...

I always love to see the window displays you show us. I am not sure how many miles I have walked this year, but I am thinking that at 2 + miles a day and a some hiking miles thrown in, I may be close to 800 miles in 2021. Congrats on making your walking goal. I would be interested in knowing how many miles you walk every day. See you again soon.

Theresa said...

Beautiful! I would love to take a peek in there:) Great job on the walking. SO good for us to get exercise. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Isn't that the truth, we'd need guards beside us wearing a pin like that. I'd love to see it in person. I'm sure the picture isn't as beautiful as it actually was. Good for you getting in all those steps and sharing New York with all of us out of state. Christmas in NYC is enchanting !

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Fabulous jewelry on display at Tiffany's and much less costly just window shopping that's for certain. Congrats on nearly achieving your walking goal of 1,000 miles and sure you will make it by the end of 2021, Carol.