This week's Pink Saturday post takes us to the Grand Opening of the Oculus Shopping Center at the World Trade Center. I was very fortunate to receive an invitation to attend the Grand Opening on Tuesday. The shopping center -- it seems too elegant to simply be a shopping center -- is part of the transportation complex at the World Trade Center. Before September 11 the shopping area under the Trade Center was my mall. I worked literally down the street and often stopped in on my way home to run an errand. In the years since September 11 Lower Manhattan has become a thriving residential area and the new shopping center reflects both the greatly increased population living downtown and the many people working in the area.

The grand opening was an amazing event. We got a gift bag, there were food tastings -- lobster roll, anyone? -- and terrific entertainment. The entertainer of the day was John Legend, who appeared in the evening. I was exhausted by the time he came on, but I enjoyed reading about his performance.
I did enjoy -- very much! -- a performance by the wildly talented cast of the Broadway musical, School of Rock. It's a fabulous space for music and I'm looking forward to other concerts that will take place there.
I'm still amazed, and moved, and somewhat teary to see the signage at the Oculus. Next month it will be fifteen years since that September day and despite years when it seemed nothing would rise from the site, Lower Manhattan is being rebuilt. The day is seared in my memory and despite my happiness at seeing the new buildings I remember those who will never get to see them and enjoy what I am so fortunate to experience. As always, #neverforget.
Thats a very huge crowd! I am sure you enjoy it so much. Visiting from Pink Saturday. Mine is here
Thanks for sharing this. Not sure when I will get back to NYC.
What a fabulous looking place. Too bad that you could not stay to see John Legand, but it sounds like you got to enjoy many other things there.
It's amazing to see what has been rebuilt. I can only imagine the feelings you must have had standing there. September 11th will forever be in our minds and hearts.
It looks like the perfect place to gather and partake in a myriad of activities. A beautiful testament to the future without letting go of the past. We will NEVER forget. NEW York you are always in our hearts.
I walked through the Occulus tha last time I was in NYC, but it was officially "open" as yet. My sister-in -law works downtown and told me there are very high end stores inside.
It looks like you are having a wonderful summer, Carol!
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