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(Not Quite) Wordless Wednesday

This has been the weather in New York for the last few days, cold, rainy and dreary. I'm wearing corduroy and a wool sweater and I'm not too hot. The calendar says May, but the weather says November. Happily, the next month is June and not December.

I've been remiss, actually very remiss. On the last day of March I posted a Surprise Giveaway from Peru. I got very caught up in my coffee reveling and alas, didn't post the winner. Bad Buttercup! I'm going to send this handmade change purse -- my photography doesn't do the colors of the weaving justice -- to Mimi of The Grandmother Gig.  I always enjoy my visits there and especially like her recipes. Today's post is about homemade jam and I'm all set to run out for strawberries.

Hoping there's sunshine where you are. As ever thanks for visiting and take good care!



Been dull and dreary here too. and cold. too cold for may. congrats to mimi.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

The weather has been the same here. One thing about the rain though is that every thing is green and growing.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We've had the same weather as you have had, Carol. I'm going to rejoice when I see the sun again!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Oops sorry - we've obviously got all your good weather here in Melbourne, you don't mind if we keep it for a bit do you?!
Congratulations to Mimi, looks a lovely purse :)
Wren x

Mimi said...

Whoopie for me! And thanks for the give away.

Susie said...

Carol, I love your pictures of the city. It is nice to see all the streets and buildings. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Anonymous said...

I'm a little behind in your posts. Congrats to Mimi. The change ourse actually looks very lovely. Yea for her. Did you know that the Woolworth building just turned 103 years old? It opend April 23' 1913. The architect, Cass Gilbert, grew up in Minnesota! Hope the sun shines on you in NYC!