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K Is for Kobrick's

On Tuesday -- perhaps the most perfect spring day imaginable -- I made a trip to the Meatpacking District to have coffee at Kobrick's. I had read an article in the New York Times and added it to my coffee-tasting list. I was not disappointed.

This is the area around Kobrick's. Not all that long ago this was the area of New York City where meat was cut up and sent to restaurants and groceries. Very little of that remains and it has become, like so many once industrial areas, trendy. Though the cobblestones still remain, there are expensive restaurants, boutiques and in the distance, condominiums. The Hudson River is a few blocks west. 

Kobrick's was founded in 1920 and remains a family business. They are primarily coffee roasters selling wholesale, but they also run a charming restaurant. I got several photos of the sidewalk section, but I didn't get any of the interior, which gives me one more reason to return.  

So agree with this sign, coffee is more than "just a drink."

The menu looked good with lots of choices I'd like to try. But I was here for the coffee.
I didn't see a listing for iced coffee in the beverage menu and I ordered an iced Americano, which is espresso and cold water poured over ice.  The flavor was terrific, strong but not bitter. In my excitement over my coffee I neglected to ask anything about the beans or where they were roasted. I simply paid and took my cup outside with me and enjoyed the day, the sunshine and coffee.  Kobrick's, you've restored my faith in coffee. Not quite an A, but a very solid A-.
I'm beginning to get very overwhelmed by this project. The more I research the longer my list grows for places to sample coffee. There are so many places that look good and have great recommendations. But I'm trying not to get bogged down in thought, there's too much coffee to drink. I'm off in a little while to sample "M." I'm running a day behind, so I will be posting "L" tonight. 
Here's to coffee! So much to drink and so little time. As ever, thanks for visiting.    


Paula said...

What a wonderful place. I love the cobblestones!!

shortybear said...

looks interesting


Love the street it's on. The cobblestones. Alot to be said for a business that has survived all those years. I think Kobrick's deserves an A for still being here since it was founded in 1920. Glad the coffee matched your expectations.

Anonymous said...

A very charming place and so happy you enjoyed your coffee. I certainly enjoy all the different places you are introducing us to!

Mimi said...

I'm enjoying your coffee adventure. The coffee offering in my little town consists of the Maxwell House a local restaurant offers, plus McDonald's coffee or a cup from Burger King.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

That menu sounds really good and the prices aren't bad either.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It is amazing to see how many different kinds of coffee that there is. After all your talking about your iced coffee I'm thinking I need to try it out too. The weather is to finally warm up here this weekend and will be the perfect time to try it out ! Have a fantastic Friday !

Barb said...

I'll have a cup of the bold and that pressed salmon sandwich.

Anonymous said...

You certainly have been taking us on a big coffee adventure.. I like the look of the store front and the outdoor tables. We are finally seeing weather here in MN that will find us outside with coffee!

Jeanne Bryan Insalaco said...

It sounds like funny wandering around the city. It's just so big and it does take time on the subways to get around.