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What's It All About, Sir Michael Caine?

I'm a movie fan and have been ever since I can remember. I still enjoy seeing movies on the big screen and love the moment when the lights go out and the excitement is about to begin. I know that puts me in a distinct minority, but it's one I'm happy to be a part of. I'm easily distracted at home, and like to focus on the story unfolding in front of me at the theater.

One of my favorite actors for almost fifty years has been Michael Caine. How do I know that it's been that long? "Alfie" was released in 1966 and that was the first of many Michael Caine movies I saw. My favorite -- though it's hard to choose -- is "Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels," which I found laugh-out-loud funny. When I saw that he was speaking in New York I put the event on my calendar.

It's not the closest photo, but it's Michael Caine, and yes, I was delighted. He was funny, had great stories and was complimentary to everyone he mentioned. There wasn't one unkind story. 
I especially enjoyed the film clips that were shown. This scene is from "Hannah and Her Sisters." There was also a clip from "Alfie" with Shelley Winters and one from his next movie, "Youth," which is scheduled for release this December.
Any other Michael Caine fans in Buttercupland? I've got any number of movie favorites. Some are long gone -- Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart -- and happily some are still making movies. My present favorites have to include Tom Hanks, Daniel Craig, Colin Firth and Jennifer Lawrence. 
It's definitely turned to fall today. I am wearing closed-toe shoes and jeans. I think my sandal days are coming to an end. One of my chores for later in the day is to buy extra bottled water. I'm keeping an air of optimism that Joaquin won't have any effect on New York, but just in case we lose power, I'm being prepared. Prayers for all in Joaquin's path.
As ever thanks for visiting and keep safe.


Terra said...

That must have been a blast seeing Michael Caine talking. Maggie Smith, Russell Crowe, Mel Gibson, Jennifer Lawrence, Mathew McConaughy, and so many more are great actors I enjoy seeing in movies.

Kerin said...

How fun! Lucky you to be able to attend such a fun event!
I loved Dirty Rotten Scoundrels too.. makes me laugh til my cheeks hurt :)

Praying you stay safe.


Nellie said...

We are not big movie watchers, though we did see "Alfie" years ago. In fact, we gave that name to one of our first pets.:-) Most of my favorite actors are not doing much acting these days. Hoping Joaquin doesn't cause you massive problems!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love him in Second Hand Lions...


Ms Sparrow said...

I would have loved to see Michael Caine too. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was one of my favorite comedies as well. I think he was in Educating Rita and that really sticks in my memory.

Susie said...

Buttercup, I liked the movie Alfie. I also like Michael in "Little Voice." You are lucky to see so many wonderful people and things in your big city. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Linda said...

I love Michael Caine (I was born in 1967!), love Daniel Craig, Colin Firth and many more. Thanks for the smiles, Carol. Blessings

Annesphamily said...

Michael Caine is a terrific actor! With the cooler days I have been reading more too. All my old favorites, Maeve Binchy and Lori Copeland and Jan Karon too.

I lost my dear cousin Sammy who lived in South Carolina September 23rd. I am so thankful my cousin Juliane and her daughter Jessica drove there for the funeral and Beth, his widow went back with them for a stay. Those storms are so brutal. I feel so badly for Beth. :-(