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(I Think) I Met Poppy Montgomery Today

I don't watch a lot of television. It's not that I don't like to watch television, I do. It's just that I don't get to it. I get home eightish. By the time I eat dinner, glance at the mail, catch up on blogging and email, there isn't much time for television viewing. Many shows have come and gone and been very popular and I am totally unfamiliar with them.

Such was the case when I saw this sign on my way to lunch today.

We work in semi-industrial neighborhood and there's not a lot of filming that goes on in the area. Actually it's the first film shot in walking distance of the office in the six years we've been here. I was excited just at the thought of filming.

This is the scene across from the restaurant we ate in. The police cars are part of the filming. 

When I came out after lunch there were a number of people on the steps of the restaurant. I didn't know anything about "Unforgettable" and asked a nice young woman who were the stars of the show. She told me Poppy Montgomery was the star. I thanked her and started to walk back to the office. Neither I, nor the colleague I ate lunch with was familiar with Poppy Montgomery.  After about a block of walking I googled Poppy Montgomery and the pictures on my phone looked very much like the woman I met.

I may be wrong, but this may be Poppy Montgomery. This was taken just before I asked the woman in green who were the stars of the show, totally unaware that I might be speaking to one of them. Of course, I might be totally wrong and I may just have had a brief conversation with an extra in the cast.

I'm going to spend time on the "Unforgettable" website and get more familiar with my new favorite show. It's definitely filmed on location in Long Island City, NY and it definitely made my day.   


Chatty Crone said...

That has to be so much fun living there and seeing all these great things - I'm jealous! sandie

Maggid said...

Me??? I think YOU are Unforgettable - and, if they hadn't been so preoccupied . . everyone on set would have wanted to meet YOU . . .

love & love,

Mimi said...

I know it is late, real late...I am up busy editing pics from the 5 photo shoots I did yesterday..when I started my Photography business I NEVER EVER imagined I would be this busy!!!I am exhausted and my brain is in work overload!!!I loved your post....I do not watch alot of tv, but I do have my fav shows That I at least tape on the DVR to watch at some point, do not watch unforgettable --but you have me curious!!!!I think you met the star!!!She was just being kind....
have fun star watching...
hugs 2 U,

Theresa said...

Oh how exciting:) That would have made my day too! Hope you see more stars today! HUGS!

Andrea said...


You are awesome! Love you!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Since I retired I've never really gotten in to TV. I don't know about the story or the star, but it would be an exciting lunch to see a movie being made. Nice way to begin the week. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!


We don't watch much TV in the evening either. WOW that is so exciting rubbing elbows with actors, actresses on a movie set. So cool.

Gloria said...

I didn't know you worked in LI City -- I lived right across the bridge in Greenpoint/Brooklyn! Of course when I was there for most of my life, before moving to CT, there wasn't exciting stuff like this going on -- damn! Glad you go to see the show and possibly meet the star, very exciting. :)

Unknown said...

You ~are~ having fun...good for you! Waiting to see your photos!

Hugs and Best Wishes,

Lynda said...

That is funny. I am like you and would not have known her either. She is very pretty though. Interesting thing is it was probably nice for her to have been treated like a regular person and not a star. Of the many things I have read, it seems like the biggest burden of being a star is always being recognized and people asking for autographs.