It's the Most Wonderful Time of Year
Saturday, November 27, 2010
This song kept playing in my head as I was walking home on Broadway tonight. The Christmas trees are lined up for sale on the next block and windows are decorated. I'd done some very successful shopping this afternoon and was feeling very happy that the majority of my shopping for Chanukah and Christmas is finished. This significantly diminishes the likelihood of a meltdown, such as the one that occurred in Costco last year on December 22. Not a pretty memory. I will need to buy some candy for the office, but have located some great treats in Trader Joe. Can't pick them up too soon -- unless I want five extra pounds -- but they are easy to get.
Chanukah starts next Wednesday. I only give gifts to the youngest cousins and a great sale on the Vera Bradley website helped there. I will mail the package tomorrow and do cards tonight and I will be in great shape to just enjoy the holiday and the celebration of a centuries-old miracle.
I love this season from Thanksgiving to Chanukah and Christmas. I love the food, the music and the celebration. There are times I am overwhelmed by the total emotion, of loved ones far away and memories of times past, but I am making every effort to live in this year and this time and enjoy the now.
I also reflected on my walk home if this was the most wonderful time of year. I love the crunch of leaves in autumn, the days of first spring flowers and perfect sunny skies of June. But this is our time to celebrate now and I will hold these days -- now -- as the most wonderful time I am living.
Tonight is cards, wrapping and cooking more cranberries. I simmer them in orange with cut up figs and they are delicious. Tomorrow I have a theater ticket and am so excited. I will be seeing a favorite actor in a small off-Broadway setting. A clue...he appeared in a very popular Sunday night show several years ago that was very weird, but so interesting. Any guesses?
Christmas in New York,
New York City Life

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Sounds like you are on the ball for the upcoming holidays.
Enjoy the season.
I was able to get some Christmas shopping done myself this weekend--YEA!!!!
Have agreat Sunday and enjoy the Theatre.
I love, love, LOVE that song!
How I wish modern technology might invent an olfactory feature so we might enjoy those simmering cranberries ... your descriptives sound wonderful!
No shopping done yet. :) But will soon. I'm trying to figure out your clue. Hmmm, weird popular show. Hmmm, ACK! I can't guess. How many years ago? Was it a drama? I NEED ANSWERS! :)
BTW, your cranberries sound delicious. :)
Have fun tomorrow.
I love the fact I can now picture you walking in the places you describe:)
I love your words painting pictures of American life.
I love that you celebrate life each day, even the bad days.
Happy Chanukah my dear Buttercup.
Sounds like you have many fun things planned ahead. I too love the holidays. Wishing you the best,
Wonder how the theatre is going, as I write this I can just imagine you walking along Broadway to the theatre almost at this time...wonder if the weather is kind to we are having a real cold period earlier than usual to be having lots of snw and freezing temps. last night it got down to -4 and tonight even colder they say..I have not been able to get out as where I liev we have a steep slope down to the main road and it is like a ski slope of ice...
Have a lovely week ahead. I am so glad that you have most of your present buying under control.
Love Sybil xx
G'eve Carol ~ I love this time of year, too. My Drs. are all celebrating Chanukah & we share our beliefs with one another, tho most celebrate Christmas also. It is colder than a snap bean down here ... 38. Harold is at Redskins with Emery & Ansel & THEY LOST, so it will not be pretty when they all get home ... poor babies. All our decorations are up, I so love just sitting & looking at the lights & pink-ness everywhere.
Today I took advantage of the 'quiet time' & got all the parcels wrapper to ship out & the others for under the tree ... yippee!
Enjoy the theatre, wish I were going with you, my friend.
Hugs of love, Marydon
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