It almost shocks me that today has become -- almost -- a normal day. I wouldn't have dreamed it possible eight years ago that I could go calmly about my business today. I wouldn't have dreamt that I would take the subway in the morning and evening without any fear, make phone calls, handle work issues and actually focus on the subject matter at a long and complex meeting I attended this morning. I even expect to be able to sleep as well as usually tonight. For all of these gifts, I am awed and profoundly grateful that this is possible.
For the first few months following September 11, 2001 I wept every day. I worked just a few blocks from the World Trade Center and the sights and the awful smell of ash were with me every day. For months and years that followed I thought of September 11 daily. There was always something that triggered a memory. But now eight years have passed. I now work miles away from Lower Manhattan and a month can go by between my visits there. September 11 is no longer my first thought in the morning. I'm surprised and grateful, but I have a responsibility to remember this day.
And yet it is not a normal day. I must remember this day and all that happened, and all that I saw and experienced. I feel a powerful need to remember, to bear witness to the lives of the 2700 people who went to work one beautiful September morning and did not come home that night to their families and friends.
The deaths of the WTC victims, the Pennsylvania crash victims, and the Pentagon victims were all so needless and cruel. I just can't fathom the terrorist mind.
It must be a very powerful memory and you were so close.
I can imagine how hard it must be for you, living so close! Here in Alabama, I got a call at work when it happened. We turned on a television in one of the offices. An hour or so later, it was time to open the dept. store. Our morning meeting was a prayer, the entire day we kept TV's on, and the customers would come in just LOST! Everyone hovered around a tv that we set up in our cosmetics dept and it seems everyone spoke in whispers the entire week. The ONLY positive thing to come of it was seeing our entire nation pull together, everyone was displaying their flags and for a brief while, actually getting along. I know you'll never forget....none of us should!
Have a beautiful weekend~
You know my daughter and I were talking about thte same thing yesterday - we sure didn't hear much about it. I do listen to country music and they played all the requests for 9-11 type of songs.
It makes me sad that anyone had to go through that much less a dear blog pal like you!
May it never happen again!
Those of you, living and working so close to that area will be forever changed. All American's lives were changed that day...many of our personal freedoms are forever lost because of that day. I think we all pause, feel a deep regret, and relive where we were, and the horror we felt that such a drastic, ugly thing could happen. The very fact that terrorists are still plotting and planning against us, and were able to accomplish such disaster on a sleeping nation, still floors me.
Your post was touching, and heartfelt.
Time does heal, and we do move on. Thank God for that. Let's hope though, that we're never caught sleeping as we once were.
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