(Extremely) Low Spending March (Part I)
Can Spring Be Far Behind?
Kind Hearts
Hello, Young Lovers
The Twilight of the Penny
Once Again, All You Need is Love and KC Football
As I have mentioned before I'm not an especial football fan. I know that's a somewhat controversial statement to make while the Super Bowl is literally playing, but it's the truth. I liked high school and college football games, at least when the weather wasn't too cold. In those days I was watching in New England and the end of the season could be really cold. But my football enjoyment didn't translate to professional football.
I understand that the rest of the country doesn't agree with me, especially not my friends who are Kansas City Chiefs fans. They are fervent fans. So in their honor Buttercupland is officially rooting for the Chiefs and hoping that the team gets a third Super Bowl win in three tries.
I do like the commercials, especially the Clydesdales and reading about all of the different snacks that are being served around the country tonight. My snacks are routine. I went wild and bought a bottle of Diet Pepsi and I'm going to make popcorn, which is one of my regular snacks. I also went wild with a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner and may cap off the evening with a hot cocoa later. Are you having special snacks for Super Bowl?
On a different, but related topic, in 2023 I predicted that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were a real thing romance. I also predicted that they were going to get married and I still stand by this prediction. No bets on when, but, friends, it's going to happen. I'm kind of thinking before the fall 2025 football season begins.
It's been a busy weekend. It was the start of my synagogue's 200th anniversary celebration and it was a great experience. I'm planning to do post about it later in the week with some of my photographs.
As ever, thanks for visiting and Go, Chiefs!
Welcome to Gatot
Gatot's daily routine involves a lot of foraging, which he has now become very skilled at. His diet varies according to the numerous different fruits available to him. He also likes to eat food given to him by the keepers, such as sweet potatoes.