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Italian Dreaming, On Such a Winter's Day

When I can't be in Italy, I find Italy in New York

I've been remiss in posting about one of my favorite activities, drinking coffee. I also like buying coffee and making coffee, but drinking coffee is one of my very favorite activities. Tied with all-things coffee is all-things travel. I'm also a fan of traveling, thinking about traveling and planning trips, both actual and fantasy. In this cold and windy snap of winter weather I've been combining drinking coffee and thinking of fantasy trips that I'd like to take. I combined my fantasy of traveling to Italy with drinking coffee with a visit to Da Capo on Madison Avenue. 

Which cookie would you choose?

I discovered Da Capo one day after a medical appointment in the neighborhood and it looked so inviting. When I stepped in I felt that I'd stepped into a cafe in Italy and I'd only crossed Central Park. Choosing my coffee and a treat was difficult, but I went with a latte and a cornetto aka croissant, and I wasn't disappointed. It wasn't quite being in Venice, but it brought me a lot closer to being in Venice. 

The Grand Canal, Venice, 1982 

I don't have any actual plans to go to Italy, but I'm enjoying thinking about Italy. I've been reading about places I'd like to visit and I started to study Italian last May on DuoLingo. I haven't made a lot of headway in my Italian study, but I am enjoying it. I'd love a return visit to Venice and I'd love a first visit to both Sicily and Sardinia. Are you a fantasy traveler, too? If you are, what places are your dreaming about?

My polka dot socks

I'm still keeping up with No-Spending January and so far I've kept to my "no-things" rule, with the exception of the socks I bought last week. They arrived yesterday, just in time for Polka Dot Day, which was yesterday, January 22.  I'm a big fan of polka dots and they were so cheery on this cold winter Thursday. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and keep warm and cozy.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This coffee shop would certainly be a stop for me as well, Carol, and definitely a reward of a cookie would be included after walking there. We have never visited Venice Nd news reports of its overcrowding with visitors may deter a visit.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Carol, I wish I could have gone with you to "Italy" there.
Love the socks too!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love those socks...look warm too. And the coffee and treat sound yummy. I'm dreaming of warmer weather for camping!

Carol said...

My friends and I love to travel and we love coffee and we enjoy combining the two. I love the socks. I dream of going to Italy.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I love my coffee, too, but no dreams of traveling in the future. Neither my husband's health nor mine is good enough for wild adventures. Blessings, and have a great weekend!

Lynda said...

I love your fun socks!
Our younger daughter went to Venice just over twenty years ago with the Semester in Europe group from Lee University. She and friends my age have commented that Venice is a wonderful place to visit - - even maybe more than Rome.

Jeanie said...

I'm definitely a fantasy traveler, although most often I think of returning to spots I've been but haven't "exhausted" yet. I've never been to Italy but if I were to venture to parts unknown, Italy would be at the top of the list. Or Scotland. Maybe Ireland. Or south of France? Sigh.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely cafe…and your socks are charming. It’s always nice to visit you here…have a delightful day. A fellow fantasy traveler, Virginia