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These Were (Some of) the Days


I wasn't  expecting to say thank you to 2024. I'd had some really nice times, but on the whole I didn't think it was a great year. If I had to grade 2024 this morning, it would have been a C+ year, maybe a B- if I was to grade generously. But I discovered the template above on Instagram and started looking through my photographs. I was only choosing four and I could have chosen four that stood out in the last month, let alone the entire year. I think I need closer to four dozen photos to begin to capture the richness of the year. How could I have passed on photos of the fabulous wedding in Maine this summer, the cruise up the coast of New England with my dear work friends in September and the memorable, fabulous week in Arizona in March! 

And that, my friends, is only the tip of the iceberg. There are so many moments of 2024 that aren't captured in photographs. This is the first year since 2012 that I have not spent a minute in physical therapy. I have also spent no time this year in the intensive care waiting room, where I've spent so much time in the past. My spine is actually in better shape than it was last December 31 and the same for my eyes. For those last two miracles I thank my Pilates classes and my wonderful ophthalmologist. For those last two blessings I give 2024 an A+.  

It took a very simple template on Instagram to bring me to the realization that even a "C+ year," on reflection was actually an A+ year, filled with good times and good health. Approaching 75 it doesn't get better. 2025 will be the year I turn 75 -- G'd willing -- and my synagogue turns 200 years old. I've got a high school reunion coming up in May and the wedding of my sweet cousin in April. I don't plan to travel as much as last year, but I've got a once-in-a-lifetime trip planned for May. There are miles to walk, books to read and photographs to take. And there is coffee, every single day of 2025. 

As we move on -- very quickly -- to the year ahead, I have an enormous thank you to all of my Buttercupland friends. Thank you for comments, support and continuing to be here throughout the years. Buttercupland turns Sweet Sixteen next month. I'm not sure of how we'll celebrate, but we will celebrate. Can't resist a Sweet Sixteen Party. My wishes to all for good health, happy times and loved one to share our days with. Most of all, my prayers for peace.

As ever, thanks for visiting and happy, happy 2025.


Mevely317 said...

What a splendid Report Card, Carol! Like my former boss used to say, Perspective is everything. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your "trip of a lifetime"!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I wish I could say the same about 2024, but honestly, it was a rough one for my husband healthwise. Here's to 2025 being full of opportunities, hope, good health, and lots of love. Blessings, Carol!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Carol, glad your rating for 2024 improved as it seemed like overall you did have a very good year, but then there's always room for improvement. That said, I hope that this New Year is a happy and healthy one for everyone.

Jeanie said...

Three cheers, Carol. Yes, some years are better than we think! (Why is it the blah stands out?) But the best news of all is that your movement is so improved! With all that getting around, it is a huge deal! Perhaps your travels will bring you to Michigan this summer! Happy New Year!

Chatty Crone said...

I'm happy you celebrated 2024 and hope the same for 2025.
I feel if it is not a bad year - then it had to be a good one no matter what!