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It's Been Said Many Times...

But "eat pie" can't be said too many times

Keep calm, eat pie and count your blessings. 

Sometimes it's tough to keep calm and I know I  can't eat pie as much as I'd like. But I can  count my blessings every day. There are no carbs and no calories to worry about and it just may keep my mind off all the things that keep me from calmness.

I'm not sure what pies are on our table -- know there are brownies -- but the blessings are manifold. Family and friends near and far, a cozy apartment and miles walked this year all over the world. Thank you all who have been part of the journey. 

Happy, healthy and a blessed Thanksgiving! 


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Buttercup!🦃🤗

Terra said...

Happy Thanksgiving Buttercup. Counting my blessings is essential for me every day as it lifts my spirits, I agree.

Jeanie said...

A wonderful motto! Happy Thanksgiving!

Deanna Rabe said...

Counting our blessings and giving thanks to the source of our blessings, is what keeps my heart and mind in a peace filled place.
I hope your Thanksgiving was full of good food (and pie), good friends and family!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Thanksgiving and now today Black Friday shopping! It's the beginning of the wonderful Holiday season and I'm getting ready for it.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's always interesting to read your blog and follow along with you in your travels and living in the big city. Lots of hugs, Diane

Latane Barton said...

I got all 'uncalm' reading about those pies. Gee whiz, I wish I had a piece of chocolate pie right this minute.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thankful to hve red this post, even if after the day, Carol.