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Pink Saturday Meets Percy and Colin


Please meet my new friend, Percy Pig

I love to see new things when I travel. Some of them are sublime, like the beautiful Cathedral I visited for the first time in the French city of Rouen. Others are totally fun, like my new English friends, Percy Pig and Colin the Caterpillar. To think that just a month ago I didn't know that either existed, let alone that ten million bags of Percy sweets are sold every year. 

I'm always on the lookout for photographs for Pink Saturday and the bright pink bowl caught my eye in Marks & Spencer in Southampton. I haven't been in Marks & Spencer in years and somehow missed Percy during my last visits. He first appeared in 1992 and his buddy, Colin, was introduced two years earlier. 

Cute Colin is in reality a chocolate sponge roll

Not surprisingly Percy and Colin are very popular party favors

 The very popular Percy is a "sweet," or what would be described as a candy on this side of the Atlantic. He's perfect for Pink Saturday, as the flavors are variations of pink as in strawberry, raspberry and  black currant. From my research the fizzy/phizzy pigtails are slightly sour and sound yummy. Unfortunately I came upon both the Percy sweets and the Colin cake on my first day in England and didn't buy either (or both). I didn't realize that I was passing up iconic sweets. I guess I'll need another trip back to England for these sweets and so much more, but right now I definitely have buyer's regret.  

Spent a lovely day and enjoyed the beautiful spring weather in New York City. I'm happily back to blogging and have a fun week ahead. After a few months away from the gym -- stress fracture in my knee and then vacation -- I plan to be back on Monday and will definitely take it easy. What are your plans for the week?

As ever, thanks for visiting and wishes for the week ahead.   


Sandi said...

I remember those days of cartoon characters and paper plates. 🙂 Makes me wistful for childhood.

Plans for the week? Blueberry picking today. Should be fun!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

After our trip to England in 2005, my husband became a fan of Wallace and Gromit. It was a grand visit with family and history. Thank you! Cathy

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

This week I'm all about Dr. appointments and getting lab tests done, I'd rather be thinking about your delightful pig and caterpillar. I'd never heard of either before.

Jeanie said...

My friend Suzanne kept raving about Percy Pig candies. Over and over! So, when she visited at Christmas, she'd returned from England and bought some. I hated them! Not my kind of sweet! That said, if I saw those plates and napkins I'd be getting them for her for Christmas!

Sandy said...

Welcome back! I will keep my eyes open when I travel to The UK in August, thanks for the headsup. Do be careful and try not to over due. Even after we're healed, it takes some time to get "back" into exercising. Good Luck.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to meet Percy and Colin here, Carol. When we do get to the UK, hopefully in 2024, I will remember to look for them😀. My plans for the week have included a getaway trip to PA and a train ride.