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My Bags Aren't Quite Packed


As promised, cherry blossoms in Central Park

My bags aren't quite packed, but I'm ninety per cent organized. I made an overly detailed schedule this morning and happily, I'm an hour ahead. Tote bag to pack, trash to discard and chargers to organize. That last is more complicated. As the years have gone on what was once just a charger for my cell phone has morphed into cell phone, Fitbit, hearing aids and one more. I need them all and it's so easy to leave one home. 

I expect to keep posting here, on Facebook and Instagram. I'll be skipping Pink Saturday linked posts -- links are too tricky on my phone -- but will definitely stay in touch. 

Now it's off to figure out my chargers and how many t-shirts are too many t-shirts. Next post, across the pond. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and see you soon. 


Jeanie said...

Can't wait to hear more of your travels! Bon voyage!

Terra said...

Happy travels. Traveling mercies. I look forward to your upcoming posts about your journeys.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Have a marvelous trip!

Nellie said...

Oh, my! The time is here already?!? Safe travels! Enjoy!

Marcia said...

Have a good trip.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful trip.

Linda said...

I am so excited for you!!! And I'll ceratinly be looking forward to your posts!!!

Kate said...

Bon voyage. Have a wonderful time. Say hi to B.

Mevely317 said...

I'm excited to see what you're seeing! Bon voyage!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn’t it be great if there was one universal charger for everything? Have a wonderful trip. Can’t wait for pictures. Safe travels my friend.💕

Theresa said...

Packing is a process, isn't it? I always leave something at home and end up having to make a purchase! Enjoy your trip and stay safe! HUGS!